Underweight BMI - less Than 18.5
A body mass index of less than 18.5 is under normal ranges: When someone is with a BMI below, this number is considered “underweight“
Mild Thinness BMI 16 -18.5
A BMI lightly below 18.5 is not undoubtedly unhealthy unless the reason for it is specific problems as an eating disorder, malnutrition, or other underlying health issues.→
Severe Thinness BMI Less Than 16
It is a bit worryingly with so low BMI – 16 or less. The nutritionists and medics would advise you to undertake medical examinations and actions for health improvement and achieving a healthy weight.
What percentage of the population is underweight?
- According to a study of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) from 2015 to 2016, show that an estimated 1.5% of US adults aged 20 and over are underweight.
- Worldwide, underweight prevalence defined by a BMI of under 18.5 is 8.8 percent of men and 9.7 percent of women.