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How to Lose Belly Fat, Diet Plan

A Unique Dietary Guide on How Successfully to Burn Belly Fat With Minimum Food Restrictions

We all know how difficult it can be to lose weight, especially belly fat. However, you can get to a healthy weight level by making specific lifestyle changes. 

That is why you need to observe the main principles revealing how to lose belly fat, diet plan. 

It is a comprehensive plan and has simple-to-follow but powerful rules that, if you stick on them, would bring you numerous health and weight benefits. But first, we need to answer the question of why belly fat is dangerous for you?


How Successfully to Burn Belly Fat With Minimum Food Restrictions


Do You Know That the Belly fat is a More Dangerous Fat

The difficulty with belly fat is that it’s not only the extra layer of padding located just under your skin (so-called subcutaneous fat). 

Unfortunately, it includes the visceral fat too —which is located deep inside your abdomen, around your internal organs.

Important:  All fat tissues located at your midsection formed so-called belly fat. Three types of fat compose belly fat: triglycerides -fat that circulates in your blood flow, subcutaneous fat -a layer of fat located below the body skin and visceral fat– the dangerous excess fat surrounding the organs in your stomach. Unlike the visceral fat, if you have fat on the butt, legs, back, or arm, this has a small effect in terms of causing severe harm to the body.

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AWhat is Visceral Fat and What Can Cause to Your Health

Fat is actually pretty important. The cycle of producing, braking, and storing fats is at the core of how humans regulate their energy. 

Fat tissue protects your organs and bones fro injuries and plays a crucial role in your body temperature regulation. 

Fat cells influence your immune system and energy metabolism, as well as in the management of the level of several vital hormones in the body (one of them is estrogen). 

Any imbalance in the fat tissues can result in disease. For example, with too many triglycerides (the main form of fat in the body) in our bloodstream, the risk of clogged arteries is higher, which can cause heart attack and stroke.

Another little known fact about fat cells is about one of their feature. Fat cells have the ability to accumulate energy at a very high rate, and at the same time, they release energy at a slow pace.  That is why your body collects all extra and unburned calories(energy) from food in first place in fat tissue, and that is the mechanism in which you gain excess body weight.

Fat cells

Because of many different factors, such as age, sex, genetic, and mostly lifestyle and eating habits, body fat distribution may happen unpleasantly for you, and more precisely it accumulates in the form of belly fat

Many people rely on Body Mass Index(BMI) to estimate whether they at healthy weight norms. 

But BMI does not evaluate for the presence of visceral fat that exists deeper under your skin and accumulates around your vital organs. 

visceral and subcutaneous fat

Because it’s collected around your internal organs, visceral fat can quickly enter into your liver, where it is turned into cholesterol. It is a mechanism where the bad cholesterol into the bloodstream often leads to arteries cloggers. 

The dietitians often referred to the visceral fat as “active fat” because it actively increases the risk of severe health problems. 

Many studies point that kind of body fat as the main factor promoting occurring and developing any low-grade inflammations throughout the body. 

Unlike subcutaneous fat (so-called white fat), which is located beneath the skin anywhere in your body, the visceral fat aids the process of your waistline expanding, but most importantly is that increases the risk of many severe diseases. 

Notwithstanding your overall weight and your BMI value, having a high amount of belly fat put you at risk of:

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Insulin resistance
  • Diabetes type 2
  • High blood pressure
  • Sleep apnea
  • Colorectal cancer
  • Premature death from any cause

So, if being from the people who carried excessive body fat, should not be neglect yourself.

It would be wise to rethink the way you live and take care of your life and your lifestyle habits.

Stick to Those Fundamental Principles...

1. Remain active by exercising

Best exercises to burn belly fat

Keeping your muscles tone through active exercises is one of the best ways to burn body fat. The reason is that these are two mutually exclusive things. 

More muscle tone leads to less body fat, and the opposite is also exact. For that you should sport a lot, the better your muscle condition is, the less your body fat level will be.

So, get off the couch and move. As you exercise, the calories that you burn and your body fat percentage reduces.

The most reliable way to burn body fat is by using cardio exercises such as running, walking, bicycling, jump rope, and circuit training in the gym. Running as well as walking are two of the most beneficial fat-burning activities. 

Plus, you need only a good pair of shoes. Between the two, trough running, you burn more calories, but walking is also reliable. 


Belly Fat Exercises

Try to get in at least 10,000 steps per day, walking fast. Excessive sweating is the best sign that you are doing a good job and that your metabolism is boosted at the moment. A pedometer will help you to track your activity levels.

To build and keep a muscle tone the best will be to go to the gym 3–4 times per week.

Do a warm-up and lift some weights. If you’re new to the gym, it would be good to ask a trainer to control your efforts. 

By weights lifting, you can burn out many calories and stop your metabolism from slowing down, which is a typical side effect related to losing weight.

So, exercising not only helps you to lose belly fat but furthermore enables you to shed fat from other areas. Be persistent and permanent with the exercises; thus, you for sure will start to drop down the stomach fat, and love handles.

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2. Hydrate well


Try and drink at a minimum of 8-10 glasses of water daily. It will help with your metabolic functions, your energy levels will be at an all-time high, and you will feel full, meaning you eat less. 

There is a study that showed that intake water a half hour before eating increases weight loss by 44% over three months. 

Keep in mind this and try always to drink a glass of water a half hour before eating.  Drinking water while eating will dilute your gastric juices and impair your digestive quality.

3. Avoid inflammation triggers

Foods rich in “white carbohydrates” (as white bread, pasta, noodles, so on), sugary foods, trans fat, and saturated fat may trigger inflammations in your body. The same applies to a greater extent for highly processed foods. If you do not avoid these foods, then your body will start to fight the inflammations that those foods provoke. It happens by storing more fat in your belly area.

4. Keep portion sizes in check

Even when you’re making healthy choices, calories are essential. When eating at home, always try to slim down your portion sizes. Make an exception only for non-starchy vegetables, which looks massive but carries few calories.

Follow the following rules for different foods:

  • Vegetables and fruit portions should be around the size of your fist.
  • Meat, fish, or poultry portion should be the size of your palm (without the fingers).
  • When eating at restaurants, you can reduce your calorie intake as teaching yourself to share meals or eat a part of your meal and take the rest home.
  • The case of the fat portion will be discussed below.

5. Observe Meal Times

Under no condition should you skip meals. If you do, you will become hungry, resulting in eating too much or too fast. There is a BUT, however, even as you observe meal times, listen to your body. 

It will let you now when it is hungry so that you nourish it at the appropriate time. By snacking with healthy snacks as raw seeds, nuts, fruits, or plain yogurt, you can delay your hunger and, meanwhile, get a moderate amount of healthy calories.

6. Try to choose organic and fresh food

According to some research, natural foods may possess higher nutritional value than conventional food. The reason is in the way they are grown. 

Plants are at the heart of the food chain, so it all starts with them.

When growing up in conditions of absence of pesticides and fertilisers, plants increase their production of phytochemical– the vitamins and antioxidants for which we value vegetables. 

This strengthens their resistance to bugs and weeds, and in that way makes them much more useful for us. 

How to Lose Belly Fat, Diet Plan: Food List

While there is not existing magic food that can melt away your belly fat, researches have reported that particular foods have unique belly-fat-burning benefits. These foods operate in various ways to help shrink fat cells and reduce your waist circumference.

A high-fat diet helps burn fat

Although it may seem wrong, you should not stop eating fat. To burn body fat and gain muscle mass, you need to choose the most useful.

In other words, get rid of ice cream, fried foods, pastries, and sausages. Replace them with the following foods:

  • Fatty fish
  • Olive oil
  • Butter
  • Coconut oil
  • Avocado oil
  • Raw nuts and seeds

Omega-3 fatty acids and monosaturated fats should form a part of your diet. They have disease-preventing properties and help fight inflammation in the body. 

Excellent choice is to substitute some of the fats you’re already consuming with coconut oil. To promote belly fat loss, you can try to take about two tablespoons (30 ml) of coconut oil every day.  Coconut oil is still high in calories but is proven as useful for blood sugar and diabetes issues as well as for liver health and good cholesterol.

Improve the natural absorption of fats

Eating fat is usually difficult for the body. In addition to choosing the fats we told you about above, you should also eat foods that help you digest them:


Why the body thrives when using fat as fuel? 

Only when your glycogen stores are depleted will your body start burning fat.

This condition of the body leads to improved energy utilization and other benefits, such as stem cell regeneration and tissue repair, along with a reduction in body fat, a reduction in inflammatory processes, and increased insulin sensitivity.
The ketogenic diet shifts your body’s metabolic engine from burning carbohydrates to burning fat as the primary fuel.
Your cells have the metabolic adaptability to modify from the use of glucose for fuel to the use of ketone bodies, which come from the breakdown of fats – hence the name “ketogenic diet.”
Another term for this is food ketosis. Many types of cancer cells require glucose to get grow, making the ketogenic diet an effective cancer therapy.

A high-fat diet requires 50% to 70% of food intake to come from healthy fats such as coconut oil, eggs, avocado, lard, and raw nuts (walnuts and macadamia nuts are especially useful).


You can read: What Is Keto Diet and How To Achieve Ultra-Fast Keto Boost​→


At least four servings of non-starchy Vegetables

You must incorporate non-starchy vegetables into all your meals. They have anti-inflammatory properties, and you will feel full longer.

Low-Carb Vegetables

  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Spinach
  • Cabbage
  • Lettuce
  • Cucumber
  • Kale
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Tomatoes

Don’t be worried about filling your plate with these low-carb vegetables because you can eat vast amounts just without going over 20–50 net carbs a day.

Lean Protein

Protein for Weight Loss

Protein is an essential macronutrient if you desire to start losing belly fat fast. 

May surprise you, but eating more protein is a great long-term approach to decrease belly fat. It has been shown to diminish food craving by 60%, strengthen metabolism by 80–100 calories per day, and make so that to eat up to 441 fewer calories per day.

How can protein help you lose belly fat?

The protein is the most saturating nutrient we can consume. Our bodies burn more calories to absorb it than other macronutrients.

Adding protein to any meal can help you feel full for longer and thus reduce your overall calorie intake for the day.

At the same time, it is a significant building block (muscle mass, skin, hair, nails, etc.) and can help speed up metabolism.

Do not go for just any kind of protein; focus on lean protein, such as those that you will get from chicken breast, fish or tofu.

Healthy Protein Sources

  • Fish and Seafood: Salmon(if possible wild), trout, shrimp, etc.
  • Meat: Beef, turkey, chicken, pork, lamb, etc.
  • Eggs: Eating whole eggs with the yolk will satisfy your nutrient demands completely.

Whole grains

For all for whom the carbs are irreplaceable!

Whole grains are the way to go. You get an abundance of fiber and nutrients and avoid insulin spikes. 

The full of fiber foods like brown rice, oatmeal, and bulgur can aid in maintaining your insulin levels healthy norms. Your body responds to higher insulin levels by storing fat in your belly. 

Your body absorbs and burns these types of carbs gradually for longer-lasting energy than the refined carbs in white bread, pasta, and rice.

Seasoning your food

Seasoning is fantastic for boosting metabolism, burning calories, and maintaining your weight. Peppers such as Cayenne and black pepper are tasty condiments that have fat-fighting benefits.

Below is a list of spices that will help you to get rid of your belly fat, making you look slim.


This spice is excellent for fighting oxidation and inflammation inside all body cells. 

When the body oxidation or inflammation is too high, they cause a body state leading to extra belly fat buildup.  The belly fat by themselves starts to create the compounds that reinforce body inflammation, even more.

That makes a vicious cycle of more belly fat, which is challenging to get out of until you restrain the body’s inflammation.

Add turmeric to your morning omelet, make a turmeric chicken curry, or sprinkle it over your turkey at dinner.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Acetic acid has various benefits for fat loss, and it is the main component of apple cider vinegar. Some studies point that the acetic acid in apple cider vinegar may help you start losing body fat fast in several important ways:

 Improves metabolism: It happens trough increase in the enzyme AMPK, which encourages fat burning and reduces fat and sugar production in the liver

⇒  Decreases insulin levels

⇒  Lowers blood sugar levels: acetic acid improves the power of the liver and muscles to absorb sugar from the blood.

⇒  Apple cider vinegar increases fullness and reduces calorie intake by suppressing appetite: Acetate acts on your brain centers that control appetite and can suppressing their function, which helps decrease the amount of food you eat.

⇒  Vinegar also may naturally fight bacteria and viruses.

A secure method to intake it is by making salad dressing combining the vinegar with olive oil. It can also be used in preparing of pickling vegetables, or you can mix it into the water and drink it.

To summarize, adding apple cider vinegar to your diet appears to promote weight loss and provide many other health benefits.

Healthy seeds

By eating them, you get healthy omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and protein. Aim for at least two serving to avoid consuming too many calories.

  • Walnuts
  • Almonds
  • Flaxseed
  • Chia
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Sunflower Seeds

These seeds are rich in vitamins and microelements that are essential for overall health and helpful in burning calories. They are great as a  snack consumed between meals.

Important: It is best to enjoy them raw and in small amounts. No more than one-eighth to one-quarter cup, to four times a week.

Green tea

Green tea is an excellent antioxidant, has anti-inflammatory, and is a potent fat fighter. Two cups per day may rev up your metabolism burning at least 30 calories.

Citrus Fruits

Grapefruit and oranges act to restrain the belly fat-storage hormone hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (HSD). This hormone is in the form of the enzyme located inside of belly-fat cells. Generally, citrus fruits and their high content of polyphenols can slow the increase of HSD, in that way, burning belly fat.


In half of the avocado contains 10 grams of mono-saturated healthy fats, which helps against the blood glucose spikes that tell your body to collect fat around your midsection.


Full in antioxidants that improve blood circulation, delivering more oxygen to all tissues and muscles and supporting the healthy weight.


The yogurt promotes that thrive of good bacteria in your gut, throwing out body toxins that can cause bloating. Creamy Greek yogurt is not only yummy but much more than that: It is a combination of protein and carbs which help stabilize insulin, the hormone that tells your body to stockpile calories as fat when levels increase.

3 must-follow advice when try to stick on lose belly fat, diet plan

1. Don’t exclude a whole group of foods

When attempting to lose weight, people often think that they have to eat only a specific group of foods, sources of a particular macronutrient – you have to be on carbohydrates or only on fats.

Such restrictions can leave unnecessary stress on the psyche and body and so to cause nutritional deficiencies.

Start a high restriction of carbohydrates, along with the right exercising regime.

Now, the fat restriction would result in you to lack of essential vitamins and minerals that are needed for optimal health and regulation of hormones such as testosterone, cortisol, and others.

The very generous 20% allows you some leeway. Choose one or two days to eat without having to worry about healthy eating. But, again, we must emphasise the need for moderation.

 It would, for example, be a terrible idea to go out and get a whole pizza, accompanied by soda, and ice cream for dessert. You will, for sure, enjoy it, but you will have set your weight loss journey back significantly. 

2. Prepare your food in advance

Preliminary food preparation is a crucial element in achieving fitness goals.

After a long day of studying or working, the last thing you will want to do is take about an hour to prepare healthy food.

It is much easier to sit on the couch, order pizza, and watch TV, but this will not bring you the desired results.

Therefore, I recommend that you prepare your food for a few days ahead or at least for a whole day.

Another tip that would help is not to store junk food.

If there are no unhealthy foods around you and the ones you need are pre-prepared, the chances of breaking your diet will be significantly lower.

“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”

3. Limit alcohol consumption

Drinking alcohol in minimal amounts can be useful for the body, but frequent consumption will almost certainly fail you if you want to burn fat.

Alcohol contains seven calories per gram (more than protein and carbohydrates) and, at the same time, does not provide any useful nutritional value.

It has the ability to block the oxidation of fats in a similar way to carbohydrates. The result of this process is less ability for the body to use fat for energy because it must first “burn” alcohol.

Many alcoholic beverages contain added sugar, sweeteners, and colorants, which can further adversely affect diet and health.

Final Thoughts

When striving to know how to lose belly fat, diet plan, the secret to weight loss is finding the right balance for you.

Experts recommend the 80/20 rule to help you stick to the advice on how to lose belly fat, diet plan. 80% requires that you follow the tips we have highlighted above. 

The very generous 20% allows you some leeway. Choose one or two days to eat without having to worry about healthy eating. But, again, we must emphasise the need for moderation.

 It would, for example, be a terrible idea to go out and get a whole pizza, accompanied by soda, and ice cream for dessert. You will, for sure, enjoy it, but you will have set your weight loss journey back significantly. 


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