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Powerful affirmations on money to easy & quickly manifest wealth and abundance into your life

Affirmations on money

Do you want to create wealth, prosperity, and abundance? Do you want to make more money and get rich? Prepare yourself with these powerful affirmations on money to attract wealth and abundance into your reality!


Table of Contents

If you Google ‘how to make more money,’ you will land on billions of hits. It is something that the majority of people are searching for regularly. 

Yes, money does give us a sense of security, safety, and comfort. However, saying that money makes you happy is disputable.

Question yourself: why am I not making more money right now?

I asked myself this question when I struggled to make more money at my previous job. 

And this epiphany shined into my mind like a day flash. The reason why so many people are not making more money is simple: 

You don’t believe you deserve it. 

My inner belief that I didn’t deserve it was at the essence of all my limiting money beliefs. I carried with me negative self-talk and negative thinking throughout the day. But what is worse, my self-esteem was terrible. And this negative mindset mentally prevented me from attracting what I wanted. 

Here are some other limiting beliefs that was preventing me from making more money and building wealth:

  • Money can cause a lot of problems. 
  • Money and the vast possibilities they bring can ruin my life.
  • I am not meant to be rich.
  • I don’t deserve to be rich and prosperous.
  • Having money is a big responsibility.
  • I need to make something dishonest to get rich. 
  • I am satisfied with a little. I don’t need money. 
  • Getting rich takes unnecessary much work and struggle, and  I am comfortable; I don’t need to push myself. 
  • I can’t get rich doing what I like. 
  • It’s not so important to be financially free. I am satisfied with my small salary and my small monthly income.
  • It’s not so important to be wealthy.
  • My sense of well-being and happiness do not depend on money(to some extent, it is true, but not entirely)
  • I am enough with what I have. It’s OK to live with a lack of money, and it’s not necessary to have more money.
  • Money is dirty! If I get rich, I will be seduced by thousands of temptations that will ruin my life. 

Above are some of the limiting beliefs that I was rooted in my mind. I am sure that you’re now recognizing some(or even all) of these negative money affirmations as yours. And that’s fine, as it’s the first step for you to make your inner transition from a poverty mindset to an abundance mindset.

With daily positive affirmations on money and wealth, positive thinking, and visualizations, I have replaced all my negative subconscious thoughts with new ones specially designed for wealth, prosperity and money. And I’ll show you exactly how you can do it for yourself. 

But first, let’s take a deeper look at the mechanism behind empowering statements and positive affirmations. How do they work? Where does their power come from, and what drives magic to happen?

How Do You Manifest Something Through Affirmations?

Your consciousness’s thoughts make up only about 4% of your actual thoughts. The other 96% of your thoughts are subconscious. I know that may look insane, but it’s true! Your subconscious is an energy field made up of multiple layers that contain all your beliefs and thoughts piling up during your lifespan. This energy-informational field is the CEO of your life as it has the power to determine your vibrations, emotions, behavior, and from there, what you attract (or repel) to your reality.

Unfortunately, you cannot actively influence your subconscious thoughts because you do not have direct access to them. You even cannot notice them. You can just see and feel the outcomes they create in your life!

And this is the point of the game, where the positive affirmations come to help you.

Affirmations are a fantastic tool for rewriting a new, much more efficient code of your mind

At first glance, you’re simply replacing your old inefficient thoughts with new ones, more influential and effective ideas. However, if we go deeper, we’ll see affirmations act by creating a new frequency and vibration of our current reality. And this new vibration attracts and provokes new things to happen in our lives. All new things are relevant to the new frequency and vibration we’ve created.

Affirmations work by restructuring your conscious thinking process, and from there, by touching, impacting, and evolving your subconscious, emotions, and behavior to manifest your new reality.

Positive affirmations have the power to raise your vibration, helping you to build up a deep faith in yourself but mostly in your abilities to create and manifest what you’re aiming for.

Your life is a reflection of your thoughts

Your life is a reflection of the thoughts that are predominant consistently inside your mind

Your thoughts are like seeds. You plant and grow these seeds every minute of every hour of every day of your existence, no matter whether you’re aware of it or not. As you think about anything—love, job, money, relationships, your health, your family, etc.—you are planting these seeds in the fertile soil of your reality.

Your life over time becomes a reflection of the thought-seeds you’ve planted in the “soil” of your existence.

You have the power to choose what kind of thoughts to keep your attention throughout your day. Whether it will be empowering or disempowering thoughts, our subconscious mind will manifest them either way.

Simply put, the responsibility for what manifests in your life is entirely yours. You decide whether to stop planting negative thought-seeds, that create a life you don’t want or start planting and growing positive thought-seeds, that manifest the new life you do want.

The positive words will build up their influence when you repeat, listen to, or write them repeatedly, so your subconscious mind picks them up and works towards inducing/embodying them inside your life. By doing that, you’re gaining more and more confidence and becoming more and more successful in your efforts to manifest what you want.

What Are Affirmations on Money?

Affirmations on money are a part of your manifesting process, where you develop an abundant mindset.

You can see affirmations on money everywhere nowadays, and lots of people are interested in them. But why do people attach such great value to them? What’s the fuss all about?

Affirmations on money are a part of your manifesting process, where you develop an abundant mindset and boost your vibration naturally. When you reprogram your mind and enter a new state of higher vibration, it becomes easier to think positively, feel good, experience positive emotions, act with confidence, and ultimately drive success and abundance to happen effortlessly.

This is a compelling way to help you discharge and replace your ‘poverty mindset’ entirely with a new, much more powerful and effective ‘abundance mindset.’

By constantly repeating positive money affirmations, you are planting new related to wealth and prosperity thoughts into the soil of your subconscious mind. 

Ultimately, money and wealth affirmations can make you break free from the negative downward spirals of your subconscious mind. They help overcome all negative and dysfunctional thoughts that wander around in your subconscious mind and hinder your ability to attract money.

How to use affirmations on Money to Activate Your Inner Power, and Get Fast Results?

The purpose of positive affirmations is to focus on what you have instead of what you lack. 
There is an essential condition to make your affirmations compelling and highly effective. The words you’re saying should drive you to make you feel confident and believe that your goals are easily reachable. Follow these five rules to unleash the full power of affirmations you choose to work with:
  1. The affirmation must be in the present time, so the desired has already happened. Thus the subconscious mind hears that it is already a fact and begins to accept itself as reality. It is incorrect to say, “I will have everything I need,” but “I have everything I need.”
  2. The affirmation should be short and clear to describe what you want your reality to be as precise as possible.
  3. Repeat, listen, or write your affirmations and immerse yourself deeper into the assumption that your new reality already exists and it’s real. Gradually you will “get used” to this new reality(established by your affirmations), accepting it as truth and benefiting from its new beautiful features.
  4. Your mind is more open and acceptable when you first wake up in the morning and before falling asleep at night. So use those times to listen and repeat these affirmations. Immediately after waking up in the morning and every evening at bedtime are the best options to work with your affirmations. At these two moments, your subconscious mind is most open to assimilating any new ideas and  thoughts and ready to accept and grow new new beliefs.

  5. You must work with your positive affirmations at least two times per day, as it takes time for them to “mature” and become your beliefs. 

  6. Studies have shown that it takes 21 days to change your thinking patterns and reprogram your mind. So best would be to repeat these positive affirmations on money for at least 21 days period of time every day to reach the best results and build up a new money mindset.
  7. Accept the truth of your new statement, and act every day with consistency and persistence. You don’t have to believe the statement from the beginning. Of course, doubts will arise because your old beliefs have long been formed(since your first breath) and have deep roots. Please don’t deal with doubts or blame yourself for having them. Just act every day consistently and persistently, focus your intention on what you want, and avoid focusing on what you don’t want. The flows of positive affirmations that I suggest you will do this job perfectly for you.

Now let’s see how works affirmations in real life. For example, how you can completely transform your life and go from being poor to living an abundant and prosperous life. Let’s see the mechanism that makes positive affirmations work, but mostly how it works in real life? How to start attracting money and wealth if you don’t have anything and you’re broke?

How to Set Up Your Mindset to Attract Money Even If You Have No Money!?

If you’re spending a lot more than you’re earning and don’t have a lot of savings, you have more debt or liabilities than savings, and you’re not in a good financial position, you’re in an awful situation. You’re in a black hole where your thoughts mirror your actual adverse living situation. Your mind generates and renders more negative thoughts relevant to and reflecting on this situation.

I know, nowadays, many people worldwide encounter moments like this. In this case, it’ll be extremely hard (but not impossible) for your mind to move on from poverty thinking to an abundant thinking and money mindset. So what is the necessary major adjustment regarding your way of thinking that would manifest entirely different, affirmative outcomes in your life?

The key is to focus on where you’re going, not where you are now!

Even when you have no money, as strange as that sounds, you need to say and affirm things like, “I’m wealthy, “I have everything. I have so much.” Because in doing that, you got into an abundance mindset.

The key is to keep looking at what you have, “I have a bed,I have food, I have heating, I have clothesI have a job.” And keep expanding forwards into, “I’m abundant, I’m wealthy, and more is coming to me.” Abundance means a lot of everything all the time, so get into an abundant mindset.

I know that isn’t easy!

I know it’s challenging when you’re in a place where you can’t pay the bills, and you can’t even imagine how you’ll pay the bills; nevertheless, you have to keep imagining that will happen. 

When you start to think about, “I’m having that,” inside your mind, “I’m having a flat like that, a car like that, a business like that,” your mind (which is set up to move always forwards) starts to look for opportunities to manifest that.

In this way, you will immerse yourself deeper into the assumption that your new reality of wealth and prosperity already exists, and it’s real.

By doing that, you create and drive a new vibration to arise. It’s a unique vibration that aligns you with the frequency and vibration of the reality you want to manifest.

In our case, we want to go out of poverty and leave the “poor existence” and manifest an entirely new reality of richness and wealth, and we’re capable of doing it only and exactly in the way I described you.

The affirmations are free, easily accessible, powerful, and highly effective tools to accomplish any goal you set off.

I know how powerful the poverty mindset truly is and how many money blocks deter our beliefs for wealth and prosperity. Fortunately, you can now start saying, reading, writing, or listening to the list with Powerful Affirmations I’ve designed. It will help you unlock your hidden skills to create and manifest whatever you want inside your reality!

I’ve created several flows of positive affirmations on money and wealth. Each targets one of the negative beliefs people have about money.

Let’s begin with the first flow of affirmations that feed you with the confidence and the belief that you’re worthy of money and can monetize yourself.

The lack of belief that you can’t monetize yourself and all other negative money thoughts hinders us from being and living wealthy. This money flow will help you build a new, sustainable, and more efficient money mindset.

Let’s do it!

FLOW #1: I Monetise Myself

I monetise Myself, I earn Money And Generate Wealth With NO Limits

FLOW #2: I Evaluate The Value Of Money

I’m Aligning Myself With The Energy Of Money And Abundance

FLOW #3: I am Building A Money Mindset

 I Unlock My Power To Attract Money and Wealth

FLOW #4: I Am Becoming Friend With Money​​

I am  Free of Thoughts and Ideas that Don’t Serve my Goals for Well-being and Wealth.

I am aware of the harmful impact all negative thinking patterns have on me. I am willing to release them now, as they do not serve me anymore. 

Why Listening to the Affirmations Would Give You Best Results?

Listening To The Affirmations On Money

Most of us could hardly count the number of negative thoughts we’ve had about ourselves. And I know this flow of negativity virtually non-stop sounding inside our heads. We’re nearly listening to it as a dull, monotonous song every day.
This hidden negative self-talk is what every day builds, recharges, and finally affirms our negative mindset.

When you start listening to the affirmations, your mind begins to receive, digest, and create the new reality that these affirmations describe. 

Your mind quickly assimilates this magical flow of positive, empowering, and inspirational statements through the process of listening. So, step by step and day by day, they become your actual frequency and vibration.

Hence, when you listen to empowering affirmations, you will begin to silence that negative voice and replace it with a new empowering version.
That’s why I not only read, speak, and write, but I also listen to the affirmations I work with at the moment.

Listen to affirmations when you’re in a positive state of peace and relaxation, and your mind is open to receive and assimilate. The best time for this is first thing in the morning and just before going to bed.

Even more, it’s much easier in today’s hurried world to listen instead of doing something actively. In its essence, the act of listening is passive and does not require any action.

That’s why I made beautiful sounding audio files to ease the process of affirming the new beliefs. And it’s really working.
Imagine how a beautiful voice speaks and declares empowering and inspirational statements throughout the background of gentle, soothing, and relaxing music.

Thanks to the passive but compelling act of listening, you’ll be able to immerse yourself much deeper into the flow of positive thoughts evoked by affirmations. Just give it a try, and you’ll thank me.
