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Gratitude Affirmations

Affirmations For Gratitude

We’re usually used to expressing our gratitude only when something meaningful happens, such as when someone gives us a gift or favors us. But gratitude is something we can and should cultivate each and every single day. The more you shift your vibrational state to gratitude, the more easily you’ll move your mindset to one aligned with the happiness, joy, and success you desire. Read these affirmations for gratitude to get manifestation superpowers and start celebrating your life.


“At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.”

Affirmations For Gratitude To Find Balance, Peacefulness & Happiness

✓  It’s a beautiful day, and I am so grateful to be alive 

  Now I give voice to my appreciation and actively shift my mind into a state of gratitude

  Gratitude is a fullness of heart that moves me from limitation and fear to expansion and love

  I know that there are so many things in my life that I could be grateful for 

  I take a moment right now not just to notice a few of my blessings but also to praise them from the core of my soul

  I am thankful for myself

  I am thankful for my ability to love others and myself

  I am grateful for those times I stood up for myself or for someone else

  Now I give a big hug to myself and gentle whisper ‘thank you’ into my mind

   I appreciate what a miracle it is just to be alive

  I am grateful for all the “little” things that enhance my life and give me joy

  Thank you, heart! That you’re beating all day long with me 

  Thank you, lungs! To breathe the air, I need to live this life 

  Thank you, mind! For allows me to understand myself and the world around me deeply

  Thank you, house, for providing safe and cozy shelter for my family and me

  Thank you, food! To give nutrients to my body and give me the energy to live

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  Thank you, flowers! For blossoming so beautifully and lightening my home

  Thank you, life, for all that makes me feel loved, worthy, and alive

  I allow my gratitude to grow and expand

  I am grateful for the ability to touch, see or hear

  I am grateful to be at present and to be alive

  I am grateful for all that I have

  I am grateful for all I’ve experienced and the lessons I’ve learned

  I am grateful for the wonderful potential my future holds

  I am grateful for this moment right now

  I know well that a grateful heart is a wealthy heart 

  I feed my mind, my heart, and my spirit with thoughts of gratitude

  I shift my awareness toward what I am grateful for and love about myself and my life

  I am grateful for the life experiences that make me who I am

  I am grateful for all the challenges that have helped me grow

  I am grateful for the substantive things that feed my soul and nurse my spirit

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  I am grateful that I live in alignment with who I am

  I am grateful for my seek to live a life with purpose, intention, and passion

  I am the architect of my own experience! Now I choose to be more grateful and focus on all my strengths and blessings. 

  I am being grateful right where I am, regardless of what life looks like for me right now

  I say thanks for all my mistakes and for all the lessons I’ve learned thanks to them

  I am grateful that I am so capable of retrieving from my mistakes so gracefully

  I am grateful for the true self-confidence I’ve gained through my path

  I am grateful for what I have learned and how I have grown from my mistakes

  I am grateful for everything good that’s seeking to come my way

  I am full of gratitude right now.

  I notice how gratitude brings my attention to the present moment, which is the moment when miracles unfold

  Thanks to my gratitude, I focus on the good in my life rather than on what’s missing

  I say thank you to my unique imagination and creativity

  I feel grateful and welcome all the great ideas I come up with

  I am thankful for my ability to learn, develop, and improve 

  I walk peacefully on my way, feeling grateful for all that comes to me

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  I am grateful for the presence of true, deep love

  I am grateful for the full range of emotions I feel

  I am grateful for all the things that excite me

  I say thanks for all the things that bring me joy

  I am grateful for each opportunity to live life to the fullest 

  I am grateful for changing my reality for the better

  I feel my gratitude now and realize what a miracle it is to be alive

  I say thanks for everything I love doing with joy and passion

  I am grateful for all in the life that joyfully lights me up

  I feel grateful for the things I have done in my life, and I am most proud of them 

  The deeper my gratitude is, the more I see with the eyes of my soul

  I am grateful to live my life aligned with my highest core values

  I am happy that I live with a sense of purpose and meaning

  I am thankful for my resilience and strength

  I am feeling grateful for my body and my vigor 

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  I feel deep gratitude for all that pushes me to move forward in life

  I am grateful for endless opportunities to live my life to the fullest

  I celebrate who I am 

  I am grateful that I fully accept and love who I am at my core

  I am deeply grateful for my gifts, my talents, my work, and all of my accomplishments

  I am grateful for my ability to make the right decisions and take the right actions at the right moment

  I am grateful to live a life of purpose and meaning and to be of service to others

  I feel the love, compassion, and understanding gratitude drives into my heart

  I say “thank you, universe,” for the kind and loving people around me

  I am grateful for the people in my life.

  I am grateful for the people I met

  I am grateful to everyone who loves me

  I say thanks to everyone who challenges me

  I am deeply grateful to all the people who have had a massive impact on my life 

  I am deeply grateful for the role gratitude play in my life 

  I am deeply grateful to be alive right now 

  I am grateful for this moment

  I am thankful for who I truly am

  I am grateful that I am in the present and am full of life 

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What Are Affirmations For Gratitude?

Practicing gratitude affirmations is an act of giving thanks for the blessings we’ve enjoyed and our deep appreciation for the life we live.

Practicing gratitude is a valuable exercise that can influence you towards a more positive mindset and build an attitude of gratitude. 

Affirmations for gratitude can help you find your way to live in a state of gratitude. And to keep this state stable and resilient to your life circumstances.

They are for those seeking to become more heart-centered and who want to make a difference in the world we live in today. People who want to improve their own self-worth, their own results, their own abundance, and find their way to success. It’s for all striving to bring massive progress in all areas of their life. 

At the end of the day, lots of good things that are going on in my life. And there are lots of good things that are going on in your life for sure. Tune into your gratitude for those blessings, and see what unfolds for you.

Why Are Affirmations For Gratitude a Powerful Tool?

“Acknowledge, accept, and honour that you deserve your own deepest compassion and love.”

What you are focusing on expands

As conscious beings, we must understand the power of our attention. We must know that what we’re focusing on expands. 

Are we going to focus on problems, circumstances, or conditions? Of course not! We’re going to focus on the opposite —  on the progress we’re making toward our goals and on the things that are going well,

Focusing on what is right instead of on what is wrong is one of the easiest but most powerful ways to change your mindset. 

Your mindset is critical for your success in all that you want. Everything you want to create, you first create into your mind. 

Once your vision becomes crystal clear, your mindset starts manifesting results. And these results depend on what you believe to be true about your ability, how you perceive challenges, how you feel about circumstances, and even your actions.

One of the greatest gifts as humans is our inherent power to determine our mindset 

You don’t need to let whatever comes and strikes you in your life determine your mindset. 

And one of the best ways to cultivate the mindset of success is by tuning into your gratitude. The gratitude affirmations are a great tool to tune yourself in this.

When we are in the spirit of being grateful, we actively look and find what’s good for us and right in our lives. We are attracting all that will actually increase our vibrational state or our energy.

Summary On Affirmations For Gratitude

Thanks for reading! I hope you’ve enjoyed this gratitude affirmations session.

Giving thanks for the blessings we’ve enjoyed each day is a practice that I encourage you to adopt and bring to your life every day. So, find the time in your day when you can set aside a minute to express feelings of gratitude and start giving thanks every day and every moment in your life.

Use these affirmations for gratitude for at least 21 days, and I guarantee you incredible results. For sure, it’ll help you increase your vibrational state to a more powerful and creative one.