Affiliate Disclaimer

Many of the links on are affiliate links, of which we get a small commission from sales of certain things, but the price is the same for you. 

As has grown, the costs associated with managing and maintaining it growing too, and affiliate links are a means we help offset these costs.

If we post an affiliate link to anything, it is something that we have studied thoroughly, and we consider as helpful regarding the topic. We would suggest even without an affiliate link. is a participant in the ShareASale(AWIN Networks) and affiliates programs.

These are advertising intermediary platforms created to provide a mechanism for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to third parts(products, services, apps, etc.) through their mediation.

In other words, occasionally uses affiliate links to remain 100% free for readers like you.

The affiliate revenue made through supports our mission of serving you to live and maintain a healthy, energized, and optimized lifestyle.

Please remember that if you purchase a product using one of’s affiliate links, we may get a commission which will cost you nothing and in no way harm you(AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO YOU).

Win-Win Strategy for Both Sides

Our priority is always providing valuable knowledge and resources to help you generate positive changes in your life, and we will just ever link to products or services (affiliate or otherwise) that suit you within this purpose.

We try to provide you easy access to carefully selected, high-featured products that are always selected based on quality and not based on sales commissions. can then re-invest these commissions back into our mission of providing for the best possible information and education related to your health goal.

Have Any Questions?

Please use our contact page if you’d like to get in touch with the team.