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Abundance Affirmations

Affirmations Of Abundance To Get In The Flow of Prosperity

ASK. BELIEVE. RECEIVE. MANIFEST MIRACLES. Give life to your power to manifest with these affirmations of abundance. 


“Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, and then you believe it to be true. Every dream could be realized by those self-disciplined enough to believe it.”

Affirmations Of Abundance To Reprogram Your Mind, Attract Wealth & Abundance

Abundance Affirmations –1

   I live in a totally abundant Universe. There is abundance sitting all around me

   I am willing and able to create a life of abundance

   I don’t let caught up in confusion. I have the right to choose now

   I choose to live a life of abundance and joy.   

       I grow a vision of abundance

       I look at the abundance all around me and inside me

       I am creative. I have the ability to act, to be enthused, to be motivated or excited 

       I am loving and giving and caring and kind  

       I own an abundance of blessings

       I see the value and connection to the universal divinity of it all

       I view the world as full of riches and abundance. And truth be told, it is

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Abundance Affirmations –2

   I slow down to give my appreciation to the abundance all around me

   I am in a state of relaxation while focused on abundance

   I step into abundance in all its glory

   I slow down to create a vibration of abundance for me to live in

   I am ready to embrace all that God wants to bless me with

   I let the abundance in so I can expand the abundance vibration I live in now

   I slow down and allow myself to admit the abundance all around me

   I stop devoting my mind to ideas that keep me on the wave of lack and scarcity

   I devote my mind to feeling abundant and happy for all the things that enrich my life today 

       I embrace abundance with the commitment to live a life of excellence.

       I love what I have, who I am, and what I do

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Abundance Affirmations –3

   I am at a focus that brings the flow of abundance to life

   The more I focus on abundance, the more I am able to attract more riches. It feels really amazing

   I am putting value into the world. And I know I will be awarded for it

   I am in tune with the energy of abundance, calling me for expansion in all areas of my life

   I chose where to focus my attention. I am focused on creating not just a good life but a phenomenal life

   I deserve an abundant life with no limits

   I assume the idea of abundance as a state of mind, a state of being, and a state of living

   I see plentifulness everywhere around me

   I live my life tuned to the abundance of joy and growth

   There is only now, and it’s filled with plenty of exciting opportunities

   Everywhere I look, I see proof of abundance. I see options for growth and success

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Abundance Affirmations –4

   I let go of playing it safe and playing small

   I tap into my creativity, my resourcefulness

   I tap into my gifts and talents 

   I am living in a state of total abundance. And my actions cause abundance in all areas of my life

   I own my worth and value. I let all that stifle my gifts and talents dissolve

   I am moving into a state of plenty or abundance

   I know I am worthy of abundance

   I keep my vibration of how much I have and how thankful I am

   I bounce out of bed each morning, and my first thought is of how abundant I truly am

   My brave, prosperous thinking create my successful life

   My life is full of opportunities for abundance and happiness. I don’t have to seek them. They’ll discover me

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Abundance Affirmations –5

   I stop talking about where I don’t have enough. Instead, I’m seeking more by living in a mindset of abundance

   I intentionally choose attitudes of mind that allow abundance. I choose joy and happiness to be permanent partners in my life

   I stop waiting for inspiration to strike or for friends to give me a thumbs up 

   I start to be eager for every dream I have

   I am following the wishes of my heart 

   I am willing to let go of those things that don’t feel joyful. They’ll squash the greatness right out of me

   I choose to live a life filled with laughter and song, pleasant company, love, and joy

   I sparkle and shine my way through every day. That’s how I feel aligned with the energy of abundance

   I stop being in such a hurry to get through life. I slow down and cherish the abundance I have

   My brain power is focused on what I have and what I enjoy

   I have enough, and I am more than enough


Abundance Affirmations –6

   I live my life with the abundance of all I desire

   I see endless opportunities in front of me

   I am excited about the challenges and growth ahead

   I master my power to create win-win situations that drive shining abundance and nothing less

   I give and receive freely and generously  

   I make people happy by giving them all the good I can offer 

   I share my gifts and provide value by serving those who would benefit most

   My giving mentality puts me squarely in the energy of abundance

   I harvest greater plenty and abundance in its many forms

   I am happy to be able to create abundance through my actions and energy

   I attract amazing opportunities for change and growth


Abundance Affirmations –7

   I am open and receptive to new stimuli to prompt abundance and success

   I freely let the vibration of abundance, prosperity, and wealth pour into my heart and my min 

   I give and receive love and things of high value with ease

   I am open and ready to embrace all the wondrous things that come my way 

   I am letting the energy of abundance free circulate inside my world

   I let the unlimited abundance of the Universe flow into me

   I welcome abundance with a loving heart and open hands 

   I enjoy good fortune, wealth, and prosperity 

   I share and receive all that is good and all I love

   An abundance of love, joy, wealth, and happiness is a natural part of my life today 


What Are Affirmations Of Abundance?

Thes flow of affirmations of abundance is designed to reprogram your subconscious mind for wealth, love, joy, happiness, abundance & prosperity. So start a manifest change in your life. Unleash your subconscious mind power. 

Affirmations are much more powerful when they bring feelings, meaningfulness for you, and you nurse your mind with them until they become natural to you.

The best affirmations of abundance will come from thoughts around gratitude, potential, possibilities, opportunities, but mostly success. They don’t look for what is missing, rather affirm that there is ‘enough’ good in the right now. They  prompt an openness to accept more of this good.

Why We Need Affirmations Of Abundance?

One of my top quotes is, “The mind is everything, what you think, you become.” Indeed. Mindset is a pivotal component of success in every area–in business, sports and life on the whole.

There is also numerical research to back this up. Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck explored mindsets among young students. She discovered that children who have a growth mindset that intelligence can be evolved are more capable to overcome any academic challenges than those who have a fixed mindset with predetermined intelligence.

Different study on middle-aged adults, done by researchers at Yale and Miami, exposed that those with positive self-perceptions about aging lived 7.5 years longer compared with those with less positive beliefs of aging. As easy as it sounds, your mindset can realy help you prolong your life!

Different way of looking at this phenomenon is from the perspective of of a scarcity mentality opposed to an abundance mindset.

Stephen Covey first coined these expressions in his best-selling bookThe 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Scarcity mentality refears to people seeing life as a finite pie, so that if one person grab a big piece, that leaves less for everyone else. Most folks, have been conditioned to have a scarcity mentality. It’s no wonder when raises and promotions are scarce, resources are limited, and generally, short-term thinking, or “common hour thinking,” is the norm.

A scarcity mentality is what keeps many of us from reaching our goals. An abundance mindset in contrast, refers to the paradigm that there is plenty out there for everybody.

How Affirmations of Abundance Work?

Affirmations help to reprogram your subconscious and help you create the reality you want. By focusing on, repeating, or listening what you want to believe, you condition your mind to look for evidence that it’s actually true. In this way you’re able to make the desired belief true.

Affirmations are a fundamental aspect of the law of attraction, but they can be beneficial and powerful for everyone, regardless of whether or not they believe in the law of attraction.

At their core, affirmations are simply designed to increase your positivity.

Other Affirmations That Will Help You Build An Abundance Mindset

       I view the world through the lens of an abundance mindset.

       I am connected to the infinite power of the Universe to manifest anything I desire.
       I am in wonderful expectation of great things to happen.
       I allow myself to hear the voice of my own heart and follow my true self.
       I am bright, amazing, skillful, and beautiful.
       I take hold of my mental faculties and stay there until I have reached every single goal and dream I set for myself.
       There are enough resources and abundant possibilities for all to share.
       I see others as potential collaborators rather than competitors who want to take what they strive for.
       I see a world full of possibilities and opportunities.
       There is enough opportunity for success and growth; all I need to do is seek it out.
       I believe that the world is full of opportunities.
       I am open to possibilities and new experiences.
       I am receptive to new ideas and more engaged with the options they are presented with.
       I am able to recognize the need for others to succeed.
       I know the success of collaborators translates to my success as well.
       I admit that my thoughts have power.
       I see opportunities instead of limitations.
       Many opportunities haven’t been thought of yet, and a little work can uncover one that is a good fit for me.
       I use other people’s success as an inspiration, not a barrier, and even as a blueprint for my own success.
       There are always new opportunities emerging. I have grown into my accomplishments, and there are more to come.
       I surround myself with people that have an abundance mindset.
       I am a master at creating win-win situations.
       I create win-win conditions in my life to let abundance flourish.
       In both my personal and professional life, I look for ways for everyone to enjoy a sense of accomplishment and success.
       My abundance mindset is based on gratitude.
       I incorporate gratitude into my daily life.
       I train my mind to recognize the possibilities.
       My abundance mindset allows me to see more in my life: more options, more choices, and more resources.
       I am training my mind to loosen its focus and create an expanded awareness.
       I can exude happiness despite circumstances.
       I create memorable and meaningful life experiences.
       I create successful outcomes thanks to my positive, creative attitude.
       I energize and inspire others.
       Gratitude is that force that clears the way for my wealth.
       Gratitude is the feeling harmonious with the experience of abundance.
       Through my grateful heart and brave thinking, I can live the life I dream for.
       I am flexible and adaptive. I can perceive multiple angles.
       I consistently share my unique value with the world.
       I cultivate and share my passions and purpose.
       I am creating confidence in the things I am great at and love to do.
       I share my gifts and provide value by serving those who would benefit most.
       I am with deep knowledge that I can create whatever I want in life and live abundantly.
       The language I use shapes my reality. I am focusing on stories of abundance and success.
       I build a growth mindset of joy, wealth, and prosperity.
       I attract wonderful experiences.
       I am open and ready to receive what I desire.