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Best Exercise to Burn Belly Fat

Best Exercise to Burn Belly Fat that Guarantees you Easy Achieving Healthy Weight

How to deal with the excess of body fat, that may cause us a bunch of health problems as well as other unpleasant complications. Which are the best exercises to burn belly fat and lose weight that also will strengthen our muscle tone?

Causes of Excess Belly Fat

Belly fat, at its core, is excess abdominal fat that envelope the organs in your stomach area. Three types of fat build this belly fat tissue: triglycerides (the fat circulated in your blood), subcutaneous fat (the fat located below the skin’s surface), and visceral fat.

However, visceral fat is that one with harming effects over our bodies. Hence, it is meaningful to know what factors related to your daily life would cause the gain of this dangerous fat?

Well, in most cases, these fat substances are stored and accumulated due to the lack of resources for their burning and exhaustion.

First, with aging, our fat-burning hormones tend to act worse than when we wore younger.

On the one hand, the lack of enough regular exercise or just sufficient movements in your life leads to reduced metabolism and more toxins in your body.

Thirdly, you may have a poor diet, not enough, and quality sleep, too much stress, or overdo with alcohol and smoking.

Overall, maintain an unhealthy lifestyle, over time, will force your body to adapt to the cycle of fat accumulation rather than trying to break it(because of the reasons mentioned above).

So, there is why to reconsider the way we live and decrease the causes making us gain excess weight. A small part of the stored fat under the skin will help your body maintain warmth, but for the most part, the adipose tissue it turns out to be unhealthy.

Excess accumulation will result in a pot-shaped tummy, which during the time may result in heart and kidney-related complications along with other health issues.

Even more, except the physical discomfort, it can also cause mental pressure, unpleasant feeling, and self-esteem problems.

But there is a solution as long as you are motivated enough to make it happen in your life.

The undertaking of proper efforts by dieting and exercising will prevent these problems in advance.

For example, cardio exercises can help us stay away from these troubles and to prevent many health diseases before they even occur.

Cardio Exercises That Lead to Successful Weight Loss and Improved Muscle Tone


A Bunch of Benefits of Cardio Exercise

Cardio exercise means that you’re making any rhythmic movements(running, bicycling, hiking, etc.) that increase your heart rate to the point where you start to burn body fat and calories.

If you realise how much the cardio exercise can do for your health, body shape, and well-being, you may want to do some just now 

Some well-known benefits are:

It will help you in burning fat and calories if you struggle to lose weight

It influences your heart, making it durable so that it doesn’t have to work as hard to pump blood

It improves your lung function and capacity

It helps reduce your risk of heart attack, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, and some forms of cancer

It makes you feel good, and can even provide temporary relief from depression and anxiety

It improves your sleep, reduces stress, and improves your sex life

It makes you feel more confident and looking better

Weight-bearing cardio exercise helps increase your bone density

And something essential-you is an excellent example for your family

And the good news about cardio is that even a little exercising will charge you a lot. For example, a 15-minute walk can increase your mood and can help lower blood pressure.

Performing a little per day is better than doing nothing at all. The benefits listed above are worth it, and it’s time for the next step, which covers how to choose the right for cardio exercise.


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How to Chose the Right Cardio? 

Do something you enjoy

Chose cardio that is relevant for you, allowing you to enjoy it or at least this one that you can tolerate. If you don’t like gym workouts, don’t push yourself to run on a treadmill. Instead, chose a brisk walk, jogging, or cycling outdoors to enjoy and breath fresh air. If you like group sports, consider sports like soccer, basketball, golf, etc.

Be flexible

You can choose any activity rising your heart rate and which tone your muscles. You don’t need to do the same workout repeatedly, and even not every week. Altering your exercises is easy, so do it often, and you’ll discover more types of activities that you enjoy. That will make workouts interesting, engaging, and pleasant.

At least three times a week

Choose the type of cardio you can accept to perform at least three days per week to take the full range of its benefits. Therefore, it will be easier to be motivated if choosing an activity that will be suitable and pleasurable for you until building the habit of exercising regularly.

Brisk Walking

Brisk walking

Walking is an excellent exercise for all age groups. Because just half to one hour of walking per day will retain us fit in all aspects.

When walking is outdoors in a clean environment, if possible, in the morning, it will help our body to get the right amount of oxygen. Brisk walking will dramatically increase your metabolic rate and thus burn excess calories and fat.

If you feel uncomfortable with running outside, you can use a treadmill in the gym, which is also proper for people who cannot find time to exercise in the fresh air. Fast walking will induce tensions directly in the pelvic and abdominal areas causing calories to get exhausted.

How long to walk each day for good weight loss effect?

You need at least 30 to 90 minutes a brisk walk most days of the week to achieve the weight loss effect.

You can make the brisk walk less on some days and more on others, but aim the whole time for the week to be at least 150 minutes or a minimum of 2.5 hours.

What is required intensity of walking?

Your speed of walking should be fast enough that you are in the moderate-intensity zone-means no more than 70 percent of your maximum heart rate.

You should feel harder breathing than usual and start sweating that are the typical signs of the excellent cardio.

You can monitor your heart rate reading from a fitness band, app, or heart rate monitor to guarantee that you are exercising at moderate intensity.

If you’re new in walking, get started with short intervals of walking and gradually raise your walking time.

It would not be useful if you skip more than one day in a row. Perseverance is the main prerequisite for burning calories and promoting your metabolism, as well as for building new habits.

If you’ve accomplished your weight loss goal and are working on keeping your weight, the CDC advises you should spend 60 to 90 minutes in moderate-intensity physical activity while not consuming more calories than you burn all-day.




It is the best cardio exercise that you can involve in your sports routine, allowing you to burn up more calories in a short period. You need just loose clothing around the body with a good pair of comfortable running shoes.

For a half-hour of running, you will fire up nearly around 400 calories. Your belly area will move up and down while running and get tightened. That, along with the profuse sweating, will guarantee you abundant calories burning out in that region.

Running is a powerful way to burn calories in a relatively short time. 

The number of calories you burn with running will alter based on factors as your body size, your pace, and the running duration. But in general, on average is estimated that you can burn about 100 calories per mile.

According to statistics from the National Weight Control Registry, the Individuals who lose weight successfully and keep it off burn approximately 2,800 calories per week by planned exercise. That means that assuming an average of 100 calories burned per mile, it is nearly 28 miles per week.

If the running is your only method of exercise for weight loss, and you are not at the beginning level, it is possible to reach that goal.

Important note: This number is more than the average runner makes in a week and appears it is mainly a lot for new runners. You should work to a number that works for you, as overtraining may bring you injury risks.

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Mountain Hiking


Mountain hiking is the same as climbing stairs, but the benefits are countless more for one main reason.

All kinds of sports and activities performed in a clean and oxygenated environment will benefit you much more by charging you with more energize, positive mood, and mental clarity. And if also adding the effect of burning calories and the unhealthy fats, mountain climbing appears to be a great opportunity to comprehensively improving our overall wellbeing.

Mountain hiking is a great way to burn fat but to lift your spirit too-a great combination to take advantage of.



Belly Fat Exercises

 Bicycling is another excellent cardio exercise for those who prefer it.

And here the rule is that if performed at higher speed, the energy consumption, and respectively of the calories, will be higher. 

Another great opportunity is using interval training-alternation of high-intensity time intervals with low-intensity and rest intervals.

Many people adore bicycling as a sport that helps them to keep their muscles tight and to burn unnecessary calories, allowing them to maintain great shape. 

Depending on the intensity and speed, the average person can burn around 250 to 500 calories performing a 30-minute bike ride.


Best Three Exercises To Burn Belly Fat With Proven Efficacy That You Can Apply Immediately

Weight Training

Weight training has become a favorite choice among people who want to lose weight. Studies by Harvard Health show that a 155-pound person is likely to burn up to 112 calories for every thirty minutes of weight training.

Weight training

Besides, weight training ensure that you build strength and even improves your muscle growth. This way, you will be sure of getting a higher resting metabolic rate (RMR), which is how many calories your body can burn while at rest.

One study showed that doing 11 minutes of strength-based exercises three times a week could increase your metabolic rate by up to 7.4%. This increase is representative of burning an extra 125 calories.

One other study showed that with 24 weeks of weight training, there would be an increase of 9% in the metabolic rate in men. This rate is equivalent to burning over 140 calories daily. For women, there would be an increase of about 4% or 50 calories a day.

Further, studies show that the body will continue burning calories hours after weight training. This aspect is what highlights its distinction to aerobic exercises.

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High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT 

Interval training is also known as high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

It is a broad term that refers to small bursts of intense exercises that tend to alternate with less strenuous exercises for energy recovery.

This workout will often last for between 10 and 30 minutes and burns lots of calories.

One study conducted on nine active men showed that HIIT burns 25 to 30% more calories per minute compared to other exercises such as cycling, weight training, and even running on the treadmill. For this reason, you will burn more calories despite spending less time exercising.

While at it, numerous studies indicate that HIIT is more reliable in burning belly fat, which is associated with various chronic diseases.

For as long as you know what type of exercise is ideal for you, it is relatively easy to incorporate HIIT into your daily routine.

Here are few essential advice to follow to start getting real results faster

My advice is always to start with dynamic stretching and a 3-4-minute jog or light pedal for a warm-up before a workout. 

But also, plus 4-5 minutes of light jogging or cardio as a cool-down at the end of the training.

As for both of these, go no higher than 50 percent of your maximum heart rate. 

Here’s the warm-up that needs to perform:

•  Toe touch 15 reps
•  Walking lunge – 12 reps per leg
•  Side lunge – 12 reps per side
•  But kicks – 20 reps per leg
•  High knee – 20 reps per leg
•  Arm circle 20 reps per leg
•  Trunk twist 20 reps per side
•  Side bend 20 reps per side

You can stick to either cardio machines or sprinting. Here are a few choices:

•  Jumping rope
•  Treadmill sprints
•  Cycle sprints
•  Stairmaster

Two HIIT Workout Examples For Fat-Loss

⇒ Full-body weight training

⇒ HIIT workout on the track: 30 seconds active rest in the form of walking or jogging, 30 sec. work/sprint, as this cycle is repeated 7 more times (8 rounds total)


You can hardly ignore the popularity of yoga as an exercise that relieves stress. Whereas many do not associate it with weight loss, it plays a significant role in burning a fair amount of calories. Additionally, it provides you with various health benefits.

With yoga, a 155-pound man will end up burning up to 149 calories every 30 minutes of exercising.

One 12-week study among obese women showed that 90 minutes of yoga weekly was enough to reduce their waist circumference by up to 1.5 inches. Besides, they witnessed improved mental as well as physical wellbeing.

Usually, yoga tends to teach mindfulness, which is essential in ensuring that you adopt healthier lifestyles and food, and even control and understand your hunger signals.

Various gyms offer yoga classes. But still, you can practice it anywhere. Whether you are at home or your workplace, you have access to many online materials to guide you through the process.

Three High-Effective Exercises That You Can Do at Home 



This exercise strengthens your core, but also your shoulders, chest, lats, triceps, and quads. 

Since “burpees” involve explosive movements that include all body muscles, they will force your heart to work hard, which makes this exercise more complex but much beneficial.

How to perform burpees step by step ?

1. Start from an upright position, and your feet should be apart at the same length as the width of your shoulders.

2. Send your hips back as you drop your body near the ground in a low squat and then put your hands outside your feet and hop with your feet again, ending with allowing your chest to touch the floor.

3. Push your hands on the floor to elevate your body up into a plank position and then jump with your feet and place them outside your hands’ range.

4. With your weight upon your heels, make an explosive jump into the air with raising your arms overhead.

This whole series of movements form this excellent exercise. You can do a different number of repetitions depending on your current capabilities, but in any case, its effect is powerful.


Mountain climbing at home

It is a moving plank exercise because it acts on your core, along with many other body muscles.

How to perform mountain climbers step by step? 

1. Get into a high plank position and try to place your wrists directly under your shoulders.

2. Bring your belly button in toward your backbone and keep your core tight.

3. Drive your left knee toward your chest and then return it.

4. Then, drive your right knee toward your chest and bring it back to a plank.

5. Continue to alternate sides maintaining a good rhythm of movements for maximum effect.


HIIT workout at home

According to the “old school,” the prolonged and monotonous cardio sessions are one of the best means of burning fat. 

But nowadays, the study reveals that short and intense bursts of fast-paced cardio are much more effective. 

Make this simple but beneficial HIIT workout your routine 

First, mandatory, you need at least a 10-minute warm-up because HIIT workout runs at high speeds.

How to perform it?

1. Spend 30 seconds performing as many reps as possible of squats, push-ups, jumps, or crunches.

2. Then, take a good rest for 30 seconds and make the next one series but with different exercises for another 30 seconds.

3. Continue in this load/rest tempo until you reach for ten rounds.

You can choose any of your preferred exercises, but don’t forget that you have to alternate between exercises to work on different muscle groups. It is a cycle that will load your muscles, but the same time will help them to get rest while you work with others.