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How to Improve Blood Sugar & Optimize Insulin Sensitivity (scientifically based)

How to Improve Blood Sugar & Optimize Insulin Sensitivity (scientifically based)

Even if you feel healthy and in great shape, there is a condition that is in the root of many future diseases, and gaining knowledge and ability to deal with it would REVEAL for you the secret for excellent health and longevity.

Being with significant amounts of sugar and insulin in your body over time would no doubt result in severe and irreversible damages concerning your overall health and, more particularly, your life quality.

Do you want to find out how to improve your blood sugar and optimise your insulin sensitivity, and with that to preserve/support your health, better your weight, and elevate your energy levels? 

Then you are in the right place.

This is an article that will provide you a complete picture of the causes, symptoms, facts, and mostly how and what to undertake so to improve your state, relying on a proven effective means.


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Roots & Symptoms of High Blood Sugar to Be Aware Of

high blood sugar

Carbs, sugar, glucose, and energy(your body fuel) in essence, represent the same thing but in different forms

During a meal your body starts breaking the food down into smaller molecules, to obtain the essential nutrients that it needs.

When you eat carbohydrates or sugar-rich foods, you digest them by breaking them down to glucose.

Glucose is a small molecule, a derivative of sugar, that after eating is released into your bloodstream and from there, normally, it should go into your cells to be used for energy.

The body needs the hormone insulin to insert the glucose from the blood inside the body cells.

High blood sugar levels happen when your body cells don’t respond to the insulin signals and so in that not allow the glucose to get in, and it accumulates in the blood

Carbohydrate-heavy foods such as pasta, bread, and rice, sugary sweets, crackers, and cereal usually are the reason for sharp elevations on blood sugar levels that we call “spikes“.

Overeating, or consuming high amounts of any kind of food may lead also to blood sugar spikes. But it can also be triggered by a change in your hormones caused by factors such as high stress, aging, or illness.

Insulin sensitivity is another great factor. If your body is with poor insulin sensitivity or put simply you are with insulin resistance, then this is also big a prerequisite for easy to appear blood sugar spikes, but we will speak for this later.

However, glucose is one of the two primary sources of energy for the cells; your body can run by sugar(most common), but can also run by fat – if you are on a Keto Diet

Glucose is transported to each cell through the bloodstream, but if it is not used for energy, the glucose starts to be stored inside the body in different ways.

What happens to excess glucose when glycogen stores are full?


The unused glucose is stored in the liver and muscles in little bundles called glycogen.

Your body starts drawing first from them when it needs energy because the sugar is the fastest and easily accessible fuel for your organism.

If glucose is not spent the body turns it into a type of fat called triglycerides and stored in your fat cells.


This is the mechanism of how we gain extra weight


For instance, to accommodate the excess of energy from a high-calorie diet, your body will need to increase the number of fat cells and expand the size of fat cells.

Even, it will go so far as to start storing fat cells on your organs, muscles, and other tissue. 

It is a way to make space to put all this EXTRA ENERGY(glucose) from calorie-rich foods – especially when blended with a low-activity lifestyle.


The major  problem with this excess fat is that typically the fat cells do not function normally


These extra and enlarged fat cells RELEASE different high-toxic hormones. Hormones that increase inflammation slow down metabolism, and contribute to disease.

However, fat storage is what keeps us alive, for example, when we don’t eat for a long period of time.

But for a short burst of energy, the body is so designed that it always uses first the glucose, and only after burns its full stock of that fuel, the body starts to reach for its own fat.


Why so Many People STRUGGLING to Melt the Stubborn Body Fat  and What are the THREE Means to Succeed

Fat cells, collect energy easily and at a pretty high rate BUT also release energy hardly and at a pretty slow rate

Fat cells

First, we have to spend our glycogen sources, in order for our body to turn its energy source and start to rely on body fat as energy fuel. So in this way, it starts to melt its own fat.


These are few cases where body begin to burn its fat in a natural and healthy way


    1# When you exercise and especially in aerobic exercise, your muscles first burn the stored glycogen for energy, and your body needs about 20 to 60 minutes to starts burning mainly its fat.


    2# If you practice Intermittent Fasting, your body fat-burning ability peaks after you have been fasting for 12 to 14 hours; that is because, for the first 12 hours of fasting, your body burns glycogen.


    3# If you are on Keto Diet, your body will get used to using fat as fuel, and that would train it to burn fat easily, including its own fat. 

The composition of your diet is formed mostly from consuming a high amount of healthy fats(60% – 75%), a moderate of proteins(20% – 35%), and minimal healthy carbs. 

Here, your body gets used to RELYING entirely on fat as a fuel source instead of the sugars like in the ordinary diet, and uses ketones instead of glucose for energy.


What you should avoid?


Unlike consuming the high sugars diet – eat too much sweetened beverages, candy, sugary cereals and so on, which causing you vast amounts of glycogen. 

Such a diet is a contributing factor in weight gain and chronic health diseases like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

There is why, if you aim to lose weight, it is a mighty choice if you start practice Intermittent fasting, keto diet, and of course to exercise a lot.


12 Early Signs and Symptoms of High Blood Sugar to Warn You

The number of people who are living with high blood sugar without even knowing for that is enormous 

When blood sugar is higher than usual but not high enough to be called diabetes, it is something that often occurs. 

And the reason for that is that many people do not know what high blood sugar symptoms look like.

Frequent or continuous high blood sugar can cause damage to your health. 

It is, therefore, essential to know what are the early signs associated with that disorder, which would help you prevent any future complications.

The early signals of high blood sugar include the following symptoms:

  1. often feel weak and tired
  2. frequently headaches
  3. frequent peeing
  4. dry mouth
  5. slow-healing wounds
  6. low immunity and recurrent infections
  7. you are often thirsty
  8. you may have trouble concentrating
  9. vision problems like blurred vision
  10. dental issues
  11. weight loss, but in unhealthy way-lose of muscles
  12. blood sugar more than 180 mg/dL.

This Is What Your Body Undergo When You Eat A Ton Of Sugar

how to increase insulin sensitivity

In general, a person that has too much sugar in the blood for prolonged periods, and is not treated develop Hyperglycemia, which is the medical term referring to this condition.

Also, remaining in the blood this sugar starts to accumulate there, which increases the risk of developing prediabetes, and eventually, type 2 diabetes.

Having too much sugar in your blood would damage blood vessels that feed your vital organs; therefore, almost any part of your body can be harmed. It raises the risk of:

  • heart disease and stroke
  • kidney disease
  • nerve problems
  • weakened immune system
  • erectile dysfunction
  • vision problems
  • gum disease

The severe form is type 1 diabetes, where the body cannot make insulin by itself at all, and your body can’t process sugar. It is a condition that is usually diagnosed in children and young people.


What is more ?

High Blood Sugar along with Insulin Resistance promotes gaining of stubborn Body Fat that difficult to remove it

How we have mentioned above, one of the ways your body redirects the excess of that glucose is by transforming it and accumulating it as fat tissue, or simple in a form of extra body weight.

What is more, this excess fat is mostly visceral fat – it is the kind of fat that encompassing your abdominal organs and it is generally associated with severe chronic illnesses.

Why? Because visceral fat releases out inflammatory substances that harm cells’ response to insulin.

It is a cause of inflammation in your body’s tissues and organs and narrowing of your blood vessels resulting in clogged metabolism and high body toxicity -factors that make it very hard for you to remove that stubborn body fat.

What next?

IMPROVING  your blood sugar levels can prevent you from many health complications, which would make your life more difficult.

It would bring you several ESSENTIAL HEALTH OUTCOMES that include:

  • HEALTHY weight loss 
  • IMPROVEMENT in any weight-related conditions and diseases  
  • DECREASES  in blood pressure and cholesterol levels
  • REDUSE the risk for heart attack, stroke, and even heart-related death.
  • INCREASE in your overall strength, energy, and vitality 

Next to that, you should know that INSULIN is the hormone that controls blood sugar (blood glucose) levels in your body.

If it is ineffective in its job, that would gradually crash your metabolism and overall health.

The condition in which the body cells do not respond to insulin actions is called Insulin Resistance(in short IR).