10-seconds green juice morning routine helped me boost my health & immunity, look amazing, and feel more vibrant

Today people are so hurried and rushing all the time; they don’t have the time or energy to eat the right foods every day. 

And here’s the problem. Without the right micronutrients, your body can’t repair itself properly, rest properly, or regulate weight properly. Only real, high-quality food can provide your body the nutrient supply it needs to look and feel amazing.

We all know how difficult it can be every single day to reach the recommended 5-13 servings of vegetables. That’s why greens powders are such a vital part of a healthy lifestyle regimen! The green vegetables and fruits contain a plethora of nutrients, including the precious compound chlorophyll, which promotes alkalinity and aids natural body detoxification.

With Just One Green Spoon, Each Morning You Can Set Your Body Up for Boosted Immunity, Thriving Health, and Long-lasting Energy Along Your Day

Hi, allow me to introduce myself

I’m Sofia, happily married, a mom of 2 children. I am the same as you – seeking ways for peaceful, happier, healthier living for my family and me.

My journey started long before when I was 20 lbs overweight, always tired, constantly nervous, and with a low tolerance threshold, and that’s all because of my job. Sound familiar, right? I worked as an accountant, and I was slumped over a computer all day.

I felt so exhausted from my numerous responsibilities and obligations that I didn’t have the time or the power to eat the right foods every day.

Stuck continuously in my work, I didn’t pay much attention to my diet. I often stuffed myself with things like potato chips, french fries, ice cream, and all sorts of other sweet lures.
I started to put on more and more weight, but worse, I felt exhausted and lacked energy.

I felt helpless, and I thought that all is just a result of my getting older, and my metabolism slowing down. And you know very well about what this may lead to end up – to the more extra weight, weak immunity, premature aging – things that have the power to crush our lives and our well-being in general.

Fortunately, that all changed one morning when my husband handed me one glass of a weird "green juice."

Here’s what was happened

First, 30 minutes after I drank it, I’ve felt a burst of natural energy accompanied by a feeling of well-being and satisfaction as my body was flooded with healthy antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

I was feeling myself almost like I’ve drunk a couple of coffee cups, with one key difference. I wasn’t feeling anxious or jittery. But even more importantly, this energy was with me the entire day.

This one healthy 10-seconds morning ritual made it much easier for me to stick to healthier options across the entire day.

Healthy food choices become easier, and the desire to be active becomes natural.

I noticed that I looked different in the bathroom mirror over time, as my hair and skin became healthier, smoother, and younger.

What’s more, I felt my immune system to strengthen. No more head colds. No more flu and sore throats, and no more being tired all the time.

I felt as if all aspects of my health are taken care of

My husband, a licensed fitness and nutrition specialist, explained to me what was going on since he had years of experience with elite football players at professional football

His name is Mark , and he is a licensed fitness/nutrition specialist. Currently, he is working as a professional football coach, which is one of his passions.

Free radicals are waste elements produced by your cells as a result of food processing and body reaction to the environment

gut bacteria

When your body is less able to remove free radicals, they accumulate in your body causes oxidative stress. The human body utilizes molecules known as antioxidants to counteract these free radicals.

Raw, organic vegetables and fruits are among the best source of highly bioavailable antioxidants for the human body, capable of eliminating even cancer-causing free radicals and improving health on a cellular level

Antioxidants are compounds that are found primarily in foods, but your body produces them too. They help protect your cells from damage caused by potentially dangerous molecules known as free radicals.

Several basic options to strengthen your antioxidant power include:

 Organic vegetables and fruits.

✓  Supply your body with naturally fermented probiotic-rich foods for your gut health. Foods like yogurt and kimchi will improve digestion, boost immunity, promote a healthy weight, and keep your antioxidant levels high.

✓  Another great natural option is to add to your daily routine superfoods like Chlorella, Spirulina, Maca root, or antioxidant-rich herbs such as green and black organic tea, rosemary, milk thistle, cinnamon.

✓  By eating more foods that are high in fiber, which are particularly prebiotic-rich, will help a lot too.

However, several studies have indicated that antioxidants are less bioavailable because of the low-quality food we eat nowadays.

Today, food is less nutritious than was years ago, and we can’t supply our bodies with the required microelements and antioxidants. That affects our cells, and they become less able to produce energy for us and defend themselves from the diseases.

The Standard American Diet (SAD) lacking essential nutrients but sadly is packed with highly processed foods

Moreover, there are factors such as excessive stress, poor diet, insufficient sleep quality, and early aging that make the situation even worse.

And if this does not sound to you enough terrible, I can also add the soil depletion, high toxicity, food processing, artificial additives, and too many soil pesticides and herbicides.

Soil poisoning is a serious problem affecting the quality of the food we eat

What is the result?

When the generation of free radicals exceeds antioxidants’ protection, this results in more and more oxidative stress.

If the body cannot remove or process free radicals effectively, oxidative stress can harm cells and body function.

It is a state that may destroy your DNA and other ESSENTIAL STRUCTURES in your cells.

Further, the oxidative stress effects are accumulated during the life cycle resulting in premature aging and age-dependent diseases such as cardiovascular problems, neurodegenerative disorders, cancer, and other chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes,  arthritis, and immune deficiency.

So, that green juice that my husband gave me has transformed my life and elevates my energy to a different level

I realized that health is just so essential, and without it, it’s tough to enjoy things like family, friends, and vacation.

Now, I would like to share my total life transformation with as many people as I can.

Ad A Green Juice To Your Day Routine

See, if you’ve found it challenging to stay fit and energetic or to eat the right foods consistently, you’re not alone. I know it’s hard enough to work an arduous job, preparing dinner for the kids, and maintain your house clean. And what is more, we’ve got pressure from society to look good, stay fit, but also to be there for our spouse.

With all this pressure, who wants all the time to clean up utensils, blenders, greens, etc. every time they make a smoothie or eat some vegetables? And you also need to buy the right fruits and veggies, wash, chop up, and clean them up afterward.

That’s why today, I want to present you with something that’s, not for your spouse, not for your parents, not for society, or even for your kids.

It’s for YOU

Green juices are an amazing way to add life giving and detoxifying plant chlorophyll to your bloodstream

I believe in managing health and well-being the natural, healthy way by feeding my body the right nutrients.

I’m about to share with you my one 10-seconds green juice routine you can do every morning to set your body up to naturally have more youthful energy, bigger smiles, and a zest for life you hadn’t felt for a long time.

And that’s not all

Believe it or not, this green juice routine will also optimize all areas of your health, including supporting healthier shiny hair, boosting your daily energy levels, and turning your body fit and young and fit again.

You see, eating the right vegetables and fruits every single day takes valuable time and energy. Time and energy, you may do not want to waste if you’re a busy person like me.

And like most people, I always seek a solution that is easier, faster, and simpler.

Just a glass and a spoon you can throw in the dishwasher after. And contrary to a lot of other green juices, this one actually tastes incredible.

Start your day with a delicious, healthy Green Juice, and your body will reward you!

First thing in the morning, reset your body’s systems for a fantastic day!

Green superfood

A green drink powder produced by Divine Health and doctor-developed by Dr. Don Colbert

This unique superfood formulation fills your body with vital nutrients to help you feel years younger and to have natural, long-lasting energy all day long.

Fermented Green Supremefood

FREE Guide! How To Lose 7-11 Pounds In 9-Days And Keep It Off

Try The 9-Day Green Smoothie Challenge To Get Slimmer And Feel Amazing In Just a Few Days!

+ 21 Smoothie Recipes Designed to Maximize your Fat–Burning & Body Detox