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Simple But Powerful Ways & Solutions toDrop Weight And Lose Belly Fat



If you think that belly fat is a harmless concern that only concerns your appearance, it’s time to change your mind. The truth is that they are an essential risk factor for the development of severe health problems such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

It is essential to know that not all fats are the same. The subcutaneous fat around the abdomen is usually most visible. Each of us has some of this fat, but in large quantities, this subcutaneous fat can mean that we have a weight problem.

Quick facts about belly fat

lose belly fat

   Subcutaneous adipose tissue increases with age, especially in women.

•   If you have a Body Mass Index above 25, this is usually associated with more belly fat.

•   Visceral belly fat is affected by our diet.

•   Your diet, exercise, and the right supplements are all critical factors in the fight against belly fat.

What are visceral fats?

Visceral fat is a harmful type of belly fat and is often called “active” fat because it is involved in the production of certain hormones.

It is less visible than subcutaneous fat because it accumulates in the abdominal wall.

Visceral fat surrounds the internal organs and helps release hormones that can lead to diabetes, chronic inflammation, and other serious health problems.

Visceral accumulations are not visible to the eye, but a growing waistline is an indication of such. The amount of so-called “Bad belly fat” grows in parallel with the visible belly fat.

Some people notice that visceral fat makes them feel like a hard stomach, while subcutaneous fat is soft and relaxed.

visceral and subcutaneous fat

Why is belly fat are so dangerous to our health?

A high body mass index may mean a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome, including diabetes. 

Subcutaneous fat is not dangerous for people with an active lifestyle and weight within healthy limits, even if their belly stands out a little and is noticeable.

According to studies, surgical removal of subcutaneous fat in the abdomen would not improve our condition. 

Such an intervention would instead increase the risk of visceral fat accumulation, especially if healthy lifestyle changes do not accompany it.

Dietary tips to lose belly fat

Eating fewer calories than the body burns, or creating a calorie deficit can help burn both visceral fat and excess subcutaneous tissue.

Some other strategies for reducing visceral fat include:

1. Reduce or eliminate sugar from your diet

It includes all types of sugar and fructose, whether refined or “natural,” such as agave or honey, but also all cereals (including organic), as they are rapidly broken down into sugar in your body.

2. Avoid processed foods

One of the things that hinder weight loss the most is fructose, which is found in so many processed foods and beverages that it is almost impossible to avoid it unless you change your eating and eating habits.

By avoiding high-processed foods and instead focusing on whole foods, preferably organic and locally produced, that you have cooked at home, then you will be able to overcome one of the most difficult nutritional challenges today.

3. Reduced intake of simple carbohydrates

Simple carbohydrates such as white bread, refined cereals, and sweets have low nutritional value but are high in calories.

They are associated with the development of abdominal fat.

Try replacing regular carbs with complex carbs, such as whole-grain pasta or fruits and vegetables.

4. Reduce or completely avoid unhealthy fats

Trans fats and saturated fats are extremely harmful to overall health but especially to the heart.

They usually cause weight gain and are closely linked to the development of visceral fat.

Try to limit your intake of trans fats and keep your saturated fat intake to less than 7% of your diet. No more than 20-30% of total caloric intake should come from fat.

5. Moderate Protein consumption

The pure protein in nuts, legumes, and lean meats will help you feel fuller while reducing cravings for sugary foods.

6. Eat more fruits and vegetables

Vegetables and fruits should be your healthy substitute for simple carbohydrates.

They also add fiber to food, which can help regulate blood sugar. Belly fat is a risk factor for developing insulin resistance and diabetes.

7. Eat more healthy fat

Increase healthy fats in your diet such as healthy saturated and omega-3 rich animal fats.

Actually, following a Keto diet, which is high in fat, moderate in proteins and very low in carbs diet, is one of the highly effective ways to start losing belly fat.

Furthermore, scientists have discovered the substance that may put you immediately in ketosis state – the typical state when you are on a Keto diet.

It is a Beta-Hydroxybutyrate (BHB) – the magical molecule that makes your body to get into fat-burning mode.

Click the links below to look at the presentations that show how this simple substance has helped women with extra weight to drops it quickly and effortlessly.