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Procrastination Affirmations

Procrastination Affirmations To Start Living In The Flow

ASK. BELIEVE. RECEIVE. MANIFEST MIRACLES. Give life to your power to manifest with these affirmations of abundance. 


“Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, and then you believe it to be true. Every dream could be realized by those self-disciplined enough to believe it.”

Procrastination Affirmations

Procrastination Affirmations–1  


   I have the coping skills to take action and reach the desired results


✓   I feel powerful enough to get control over the fear that feeds procrastination


✓   I am ready to take inspired action that massively expands my prosperity


✓   I face any difficult situation with courage and clear focus


✓   I feel confident and capable


   Being bold and proactive comes completely naturally to me


    I feel untouchable for any excuses, fears, or delays


   Getting things done is easier than ever before


   I am able to handle any challenging project with phenomenal ease


   I am highly productive and always getting phenomenal results


   I feel I can do what needs to be done, whether I feel like it or not


   I am all the time loaded with high focus and clear intention


   I break through the barriers of procrastination


   I’m ready to take action and push my capabilities to the end 

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Procrastination Affirmations–2 

✓   I have the power to see every challenge as a trigger that pushes me out of my comfort zone


   Whether I lose or win, I am a powerful being that’s valuable and worthy


   I believe in my effort, and I know I will generate incredible results


   I am completely free from the fear of failure or rejection


   I accept every failure as a pivot point, pushing me to learn and grow


   I learn to cure my perfectionism and move to a state of creativity


   I am changing into someone who effortlessly gets things done


   I can easily overcome all that keeps me stuck in procrastination


   I am free from any distractions


   I’ve let go of the fear of rejection


   I’ve let go of the fear that I can’t or am incapable


   I no longer hold on to absurd expectations of others


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Procrastination Affirmations–3 

   I naturally choose work over procrastination 


   I free myself from the paralysis of being perfect


   I transform fear into true self-confidence


   I am a proactive person, and getting into workflow comes so effortlessly


   I am take-charge and take small daily steps toward reaching my goals


   I naturally shift procrastination into productivity


   I have a dedicated and focused mind


   I enjoy phenomenal coping skills


   I am a person who seizes the moment and takes action


   It’s freaking easy to pull myself out of task paralysis 


   I love this feeling of completion when my work is done


   I kill the excuses and complaints and get forward to my next vital task


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Procrastination Affirmations–4

✓   I’ve let go of overthinking and devoting myself to my priorities


   I am fully committed to my goals and the tasks at hand


   I never doubt myself. I just take action


   I always celebrate small wins when completing my assignments


   Why am I always ready to do what needs to be done?


   Why do I naturally pick work over procrastination?


   Why do I always celebrate success, no matter big or small it is?


   Why do I always finish my projects effortlessly and on time?


   Why do I always give my soul and heart to accomplish my tasks? 


   Why am I never doubting myself and just taking the needed action?


   Why can nothing stand in the way of completing my work?


Procrastination Affirmations–5 

   Why does getting into positive momentum and takings small productive efforts now come naturally to me?


   Why am I aligning with my workflow so effortlessly? 


   Why do I never doubt my ability to do and get things to the end?


   Why am I now taking more inspired actions that result in more success and joy? 


   Why am I so proud of all I have accomplished and celebrate it with an open heart?


   Why do I live my life now with more momentum for action than ever before? 


   There’s no doubt! I am the one who is capable and who will do the work


   I dropped my resistance and now take action toward my next objective


   Being bold and proactive became my personal way of life 


   Procrastination fades out now and forever


   I smash procrastination and let my creativity and productivity shine out


   Nothing will stop me from getting what I want


   I can cope with everything that my life throws at me


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Procrastination Affirmations–6

✓   I can redirect my focus toward more positive, productive, and beneficial activities


   Every day I make small steps toward progress instead of seeking perfection


✓   Every challenge I face is only a means to reach my brilliant future me 


✓   I never miss celebrating my wins


✓   I stop FORCING things to work, under stress, and limiting beliefs 


✓   There is nothing and no one that can stop me from doing what I aspire for


✓   I work hard first and take a rest later


✓   My failures do not define me


✓   I choose to be free of the trap of procrastination


✓   I am competent, consistent, and committed and progress and effort come easily to me


✓   I feel accomplished when I reach my goals


✓   I will face difficult situations with determination and courage


✓   I free myself from the fear of failure, which causes me to procrastinate


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Why We Need Procrastination Affirmations?

Procrastination Affirmations 

Manifestassion Affirmations