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BMI Chart for Adults

BMI Chart For Adults

The BMI (Body Mass Index)  is a formula for measuring body-weight regarding personal height. It is often used by doctors and researchers studying overweight and obese cases.

It is a metric formula described as: BMI = weight(in kilograms) / height ²(meters)

In the USA the formula is: BMI = weight(in pounds) / height ²(inches)× 703

With the risks linked with being underweight, overweight, or obese, people are increasingly interested in their Body Mass Index (BMI). 

It is a useful and easily accessible tool that estimates a healthy body weight based on height. 

Due to its easy determination and calculation, it is one of the most popularly used screening measurement to identify the weight state of a person or a group of people.

In this BMI Chart for adults, you can reveal for yourself in which of BMI categories you fall in: Underweight, Normal Weight, Overweight or Obese

BMI chart for men and women (imperial)

How to Read your BMI figures in the above BMI chart for adults


To view where your BMI is in this chart, you have to find your weight and match it with your height then watching the BMI numbers till the height on the left axis corresponds to your height.

The category that your BMI lies under is coloured in the identical colour which is shown in the list below:

Blue: Underweight category and responding to a

BMI of less than 18.5

Green: Normal Weight category and responding to a BMI 

between 18.5 and 24.9

Light brown: Pre Obese or Overweight category and responding to a BMI

between 25 and 29.9

Orange and red: Obese category and responding to a 

BMI over 30 or higher

Metric BMI Chart for adults

Metric body mass index chart

By using these charts, you can obtain fast lookup BMI = Kg/ m2 so immediately to find out your BMI.

Or, if your BMI (weight/ height) values are not included here, you can use our BMI calculator. that will help you to find them.

In conclusion, the above BMI Chart for adults can be very helpful if you looking to find out whether you at health risks related to your weight status. 

One should aim to be in the healthy weight category as this is the recommended health status.

Note: Keep in mind that BMI is not a diagnostic tool. Because of the variations of human body types, body fat distribution, amount of muscle mass, ethnicity, and other factors, there are cases where BMI numbers are misleading. And if you are concerned about your weight and health state, the best would be to meet a physician.