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Abdominal Obesity

11 Science-Backed Ways to Get Rid of Unhealthy Body Fat Successfully

11 Science-Backed Ways to Get Rid of Unhealthy Body Fat Successfully

Subcutaneous fat

Being with too much fat—and mainly if that extra fat is in the midsection—drives metabolic stress over all the body systems and raises the risk of diseases significantly

Here is experts' advice for what truly would help you so you can fast ELIMINATE unwanted and harmful fat from your body

During your life, you’ve probably heard many times any wacky weight loss advice – whether it is to drink celery juice each day or substitute your meals with “cookies” for weight loss. 

Often, these tips are given by people with less health expertise where it could make you fall into a misleading trap. And you know well that disinformation typically leads to wrong decisions and a loss of efforts, time, and money, plus the lack of results too.

But the good news is that just the same as there is so much of misguided weight loss information out there to be avoided, there are also a lot of expert-approved and research-backed recommendations and suggestions to rely on.

Keep in mind that each one from the following means and methods is with great potential to help you improve your health and weight state, but if combined, they become a potent weapon promoting natural and fast fat loss.

1. low-Carbohydrate Diet

Low-carb diets are one of the effective ways of melting visceral fat.

Indeed, many types of research indicate that low-carb diets are much more effective means against visceral fat than low-fat diets.

For example, in one 8-week study in which had participates 69 overweight men and women, experts found that people who strictly performed a low-carb diet lost 10% more visceral fat plus 4.4% more total fat than those had followed a low-fat diet.

2. Ketogenic Diet 

Scientists clearly point out that being on a ketogenic diet is a powerful way to reduce visceral fat and improve your health status. 

Millions of people around the world take advantage of the benefits that this diet brings.

It is an improved variant of the low-carb diet in which you entirely change your body fuel.

You enter a natural metabolic state termed ketosis, where your body start uses fat for fuel instead of sugars.

From which are the great benefits of this eating regime – such as significant fat loss from the abdominal cavity, stabilizing blood sugar levels, lowering triglycerides, reduce inflammations, and so on.

In one study with 28 overweight and obese adults found that those who followed a ketogenic diet lost more fat, especially visceral fat, than people following a low-fat diet. Interestingly, they did so while eating roughly 300 more calories per day.

3. Cardio Exercise

Aerobic exercise is a great way to melt visceral fat if performing regularly and consistently. It’s well-known as cardio, and it is an excellent chance for the burning of a lot of calories.

Many studies have confirmed that cardio exercise is a successful means to cut visceral fat, even without dieting.

For instance, an analysis of 15 studies, including 852 people, compared how effectively are different types of exercise in reducing visceral fat without dieting. 

They had discovered that moderate and high-intensity aerobic exercises are most efficient at reducing visceral fat without dieting.


It is a well-known truth that combining regular aerobic exercise with a proper diet plus the necessary supplements appears to be a more powerful tool at reducing visceral fat than applying just one of the approaches

If you want to start performing aerobic exercise, start with brisk walking, jogging, or running at least three times per week. 

You can take advantage also of great online opportunities to be correctly guided and well educated in this regard, which will help you to perform your cardio strategy successfully.

Also, there are many possibilities to get in perfect shape while working out at home. There are wonderful means, to perform an excellent training session such as slide board, jump rope, bands, etc.

Click here to learn more. 

The Obsidian Slide Board is an extreme calorie burner, leading to major weight loss. It is a high intensity and low impact training that compliments any workout regimen. Exercising on the Slide Board carves and strengthens all muscle groups. The Obsidian Slide Board builds core strength, a healthy posture, and confidence!

4. Do Not Allow Dehydration

Water is extraordinarily essential when you’re trying to reach a healthy weight loss

You know that water is so important, but do you get enough each day? If not, set a goal to yourself to make a healthy water intake consistent habit in your living.

Being well-hydrated make your body works better in fat metabolism and food digestion so that fats are eliminated from the body more efficiently. In effect, drinking of water reduces fluid retention and lowers appetite and cravings.

People often misinterpret thirst for hunger, so if you feel like you need a snack, try first drinking a glass of water-it will satisfy your craving and stops you from reaching for calories you don’t need.

Dehydration generates fatigue and laziness, so your overall energy suffers, and you’re less likely to exercise

By making sure you get sufficient water each day, you will be surprised at how much more energized you feel.

On average, your goal should be to drink at least 2 liters of water per day to counteract dehydration. That’s an equal amount to 8 glasses, and it is not a lot when you divide the intake evenly throughout your day.

Hydration is vital to our health and despite people often point out how important water is, most of us yet don’t drink enough of it. 

Still, nothing hydrates you more satisfying than plain water.


HYDRATION is at the core of that to PROGRESS with any WEIGHT LOSS program or if you rely on FAT BURNING dietary supplements

Here are five simple rules to guarantee yourself proper hydration:

  1. Drink a glass of water right after wake up early morning and a half-hour before having a meal.
  2. Always take with you a bottle of water anywhere you go.
  3. Drink water before start workout.
  4. Add slices of lime or lemon to a glass of water for better taste and more refreshment effect
  5. The herbal tea can be a great way to supplement your daily fluid intake without any sugar or calories. It because herbal teas are not dehydrating controversially to regular tea and coffee

In this regard, I highly recommend this homeopathic and natural product for fast and easy weight loss effect-Phen375. 

Phen375 is proven to have a high effect on excess fat removal, but one of the conditions for that is the consistent hydration of the body.

The reason is that without water, the body cannot correctly enter lipolysis(Source). 

Lipolysis is the process by which fats are broken down in your body thanks to special enzymes and water. Fats are potential energy available for when our glucose stores run low between meals, and this is the moment when lipolysis start to occur. The lipolysis will aid the movement of these stored fats through our bloodstream.

Therefore, it is highly suggested that you include sufficient amounts of water into your daily routine, which will be  amplifying your fat-burning results. 

Any type of weight loss program or fat burning pills will force your body to release toxins from your fat stores. 

Being adequately hydrated is crucial in ensures that your body can easily flush out these stored toxins.

 Also, with drinking sufficient water, you will safeguard your health from the secondary effects related to the release of these toxins.

5. Recover Your Hormones Power To Burn Fat

Te Big Problem With Negative Changes In Your Hormones Due to Agin

Most people simply attempt to “lose weight,” and that’s the goal of most diets. 

Sadly, most of the weight that’s lost is water weight and essential muscle mass. 

Both of which you should not fail because muscles and water in your body are vital factors for the rate of your metabolism. 

In short, the more muscle mass and better-hydrated body mean higher metabolism rate, which is equal to that you to be in excellent body shape.

Unfortunately, you are losing them, and after a couple of weeks, your body adapts, causing you negative changes in your hormones. 

The end result is…

    ⇒Weight loss slows down or completely stops
    ⇒Appetite increases
    ⇒Metabolism decreases
    ⇒Energy levels drop

And eventually, you gain the weight back, but worse is that this time this extra weight is all fat tissue.

it is a vicious cycle from which there is no way out…

Dr. Sam Robbins, the founder Of HFL (HEALTH • FITNESS • LONGEVITY), explains in detail why it is hard to lose weight for somebody especially when he or she pass through the middle age

He says that in the past 30+ years, he consulted thousands of people on how to lose fat and KEEP IT OFF! And, he personally had tried every diet you can think of. He said that he started his first diet at age 11(in the 6th grade), and the reason was that he wanted to lose weight, so to become faster and better when playing his favorite sports.

His many years of experience reveal fundamental truths about successful long-term healthy weight loss

“The truth is that almost ALL diets work … temporarily! Sadly, your body doesn’t like change and likes consistency (“homeostasis”). To “survive,” your body adapts to the diet by increasing your appetite and decreasing your metabolism. Then the result is…

1. fat loss slows down…
2. then it stops…
3. in the end, the reverse happens, and fat gain starts again!

“The cause for all of this is genetics and the more importantly, the negative changes in your hormones due to aging! I know this because of my area of expertise as a doctor is Endocrinology, which is the study of hormones.”

What conclusion does it reach?

“It ALL Makes Sense Because…
This is why when you were younger, you could eat almost anything, not exercise and still not get fat. And, this is always why some people with “skinny genetics” never seem to gain weight, even later on in life.
It’s all because of… Genetics and hormones!”

You can watch the full video of  Dr. Sam Robbins on ↓ the link below ↓

6. Reduce Your Stress Levels

Stress, anxiety, and worry are common problems in our modern society that affect a vast number of people. They act over the body’s adrenal glands as forcing them to produce more cortisol, which is the primary stress hormone (Source).

Extra stress

Studies have clearly shown that more cortisol can lead to more visceral fat.

Something more, ongoing stress often force the person to eat more and eventually more often overeating, which in turn makes this problem bigger (Source).

Women who already have large waistline proportionally to their hips(WHR– so-called waist to hip ratio) tend to produce more cortisol when stressed (Source).

Several proven approaches that can be implemented reduce stress, such as exercising, yoga, meditation, or practicing your favourite hobby.

Intake of Natural Supplements Against Stress

You can help yourself also by implementing the proper and effective herbal extracts and vitamins that, for sure, will assist you in fighting symptoms such as needless suffering, worry, sleepless nights, panic attacks, or feeling hopeless.

In practice, a combination of the above – herbs+vitamins+minerals appears to be the finished approach.

ProVanax is a product of Health Fitness & Longevity 4HFL by Dr. Sam Robbins that would be an excellent choice for you.

It is a doctor-formulated, “all-in-one” remedy that’s designed to improve mood naturally and to enhance your “happy chemicals.”

It is a fantastical blend of vitamins – Vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Vitamin B12, Magnesium, and herbal extracts – Lemon Balm Extract 10:1, GABA, St Johns Wort, Passion Flower Extract 10:1, Valerian Root Extract [1.2%], 5-HTP.

ProVanax will help you optimize neurotransmitters & hormones (Dopamine, Serotonin, Cortisol, etc.), which control negative feelings and thoughts. Get control & start feeling happy and excited again!

You can buy it ⇒HERE

7. More Fibre in Your Food

There are soluble fiber and insoluble fiber.

The soluble type can absorb water forming a viscous gel-like substance that helps slow down the rate of the digestive process, which makes transporting the food from the stomach to the intestines more slowly. (Source).

This slowing of digestion leads to less or lack sudden spikes in insulin and blood sugar levels. 

According to many studies of overweight and obese people, these spikes appear to be one of the major causes of forming body fat.

With regular consumption of fiber-rich foods, you can help yourself stop gain fat as suppressing the process of visceral fat gain.

How is this happen? 

When soluble fiber reaches the colon, it transomed into short-chain fatty acids by fermentation realized through gut bacteria. These fatty acids are a primary source of nutrition for colon cells. The good news is that they can suppress your appetite, which helps reduce visceral fat too.

Studies are pointing out that short-chain fatty acids support to increase levels of fullness hormones, those like cholecystokinin, GLP-1, and PYY.

But at the same time, they also help reduce levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin.

A study where had participated 1,114 people shows that only increasing soluble fiber intake by 10 grams a day decreased the risk of visceral fat accumulation by up to 3.7%.

To increase the amount of dietary fibre, you need to consume more flaxseeds, beans,  legumes, grains, and sweet potatoes. 

You can supply your needs also by taking a soluble fibre supplement, which also would be very helpfully.

8. Eat More Protein

By replacing carbs and unhealthy fat with high-quality protein foods, you reduce the hunger hormone and boost several satiety hormones. It helps you to reduce hunger and is the principal reason why protein helps you lose weight

Two important things about proteinons to consider

There are two possibilities when it comes to protein consumption that you should eliminate from your eating routine if you want to maintain a healthy weight

     1. Avoid Overeating

First, if you regularly overeat with protein foods(it is valid for any food), you will cause your body with the time, lower insulin sensitivity, which may end in insulin resistance.

     2. Avoid protein+processed carbs combination 

Second, the combination of protein and carbs(mainly if they are processed) also would cause your body cells to become less sensitive to insulin actions. 

According to (leading website part of the global diabetic community), there does seem to be a clear link between weight gain and insulin resistance. Resistance to insulin forces the body to make more insulin, which leads to consistently increased hunger, higher blood pressure, and extra weight gain.


How does the more protein would assist in reducing your weight and body fat?


Eating more protein increases levels of the fullness hormones GLP-1, PYY, and cholecystokinin, which will help you to resist off hunger. It can also affect levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin by reducing them (Source).

Researches have pointed out that protein can help boost your metabolism as well, which in turn aids visceral fat loss and weight loss.

Additionally, numerous studies confirm that people who eat more protein tend to carry less visceral fat.

To increase your protein intake, try to include a source of protein at every meal. You can use meat, fish, eggs, tofu, dairy, legumes, and whey protein powder.

If you’re looking for protein powder best would be to choose from brands that obtain their protein from completely non chemical and organic sources such as –  Promix Nutrition’s #1 Rated Grass-Fed Whey Protein

Another way is by including protein-rich healthy snacks and supplements that can supply you the required amount of good quality protein.

Built Bar has the best protein-to-calorie ratio out there!

9. Get Plenty of Sleep

The proper deep night sleep can do wonders for your health, but, unfortunately, more than a third of American adults don’t get enough good sleep (Source).

Even more, many studies have shown that poor sleep can increase your risk of gaining weight and visceral fat.

Respectively, improving your sleep quality would support your efforts in reducing visceral fat.

One study proves this view, as have been observed 293 patients for six years period in it.  The study established that increasing sleep from 6 hours to 7–8 hours reduced visceral fat gain by about 26%.

Some studies also point the sleep apnea(a condition that impairs breathing during your sleep) as a severe disease that puts you at a higher risk of gaining visceral fat too.

If you doubt you have sleep apnea or other sleeping problems, it’s best to check with your doctor.



How to Improve Your Sleeping Quality 

Stress and sleep quality

A first preventing step if you struggle to sleep well is to try some relaxing techniques or take a supplement before bed

Try 4-7-8 breathing method before bed

 1. Release your lips to lightly part.

 2. Exhale fully, making a breathy sound as you do.

 3. The next step is to press your lips together as you silently inhale through the nose for a count of 4 seconds.

 4. Hold your breath while counting to 7  

 5. Exhale again, but this time for a full 8 seconds, making a sound throughout all the exhaling.

You need to repeat at least 4 to 8 times to obtain a relaxing effect.

There are lots of breathing techniques, but this one is easy to do and brings immediate relaxation. The only condition is to do it with full concentration over your breathing, without distraction.


Other ways that will help you improve your sleepIf you’re undergoing mild sleeplessness due to worry or stress, the 4-7-8 method could help you get this that you’ve been missing. 

However, if it isn’t enough on its own, it might be combined very well with other small adjustments, such as:

  1.        Turn off all electronic
  2.        Lower the room temperature
  3.        Relaxation music
  4.        Aromatherapy – using a diffuser with essential oils like lavender or balm herb
  5.        Sleeping mask.
  6.        Use earplugs.
  7.        Reduction of caffeine intake – the last coffee cup should be before lunchtime.
  8.         Visualise things that make you happy.
  9.         Avoid naps during the day.
  10.         White noise machine.
  11.         Try sleep-enhancing supplements such as Magnesium, 5 HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan), GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), L-Theanine, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6.

You can use this ⇒ product where are highly effectively combined the mentioned above substances plus other herbal extracts like “Lemon Balm” Extract, “St Johns Wort” extract, “Passion Flower” Extract, and Probiotic “Mood Optimizer™” Blend.

The next suggestions are also influential, but it would be good to perform under the supervision of a proper wellness coach. 

   * Bedtime relaxing(not activating) yoga.

   * Mindfulness meditation.

   * Guided imagery meditation.

Click ⇒ here to watch an educational video where you can learn much more about how to deal with extra stress and states such as frustration, anxiety, panic attacks, probably causing you not to sleep well.

In conclusion, good sleep can do wonders for your overall health and can help fight visceral fat. You have to aim for at least 7 hours of sleep daily.

10. Avoid Trance Fat


Trance fat is an artificial sort of fat produced by saturating hydrogen into vegetable oils. 

Trans fats make you fatter than other foods with the same number of calories, but studies find out that they increase the fat accumulation in your belly are. 

And those are mainly high-toxic visceral fat which is incredibly harmful to your health.

There is why all worldwide health experts agree that those fats are bad for your health.

Trans fats are widely added to all kinds of processed foods as usually are with a longer shelf life and don’t spoil quickly (Source). 

However, researches point out that trans fats increase visceral fat, and that may lead to numerous health complications (Source).

Fortunately, the Food and Drug Administration has apprehended how harmful are trans fats, trying to limit their use in food production.

11. Avoid Processed Carbs And Any Kind Of Foods Loaded With Added Sugars

Avoid completely processed carbs and any kind of foods with added sugars

Even if you do not follow a low-carb or any other kind of diet, you should avoid completely processed carbs and any kind of foods with added sugars. 

These are extremely unhealthy foods and are the hidden root of developing many weight-related diseases such as metabolic syndrome and diabetes type 2.

Their regular consumption will lead to the accumulation of body fat and weight gain.


Studies prove it people who eat more added sugar tend to accumulate visceral fat over time.

Added sugar consists of roughly 50% fructose, which is a pure sugar that metabolised by the liver.

Scientists unequivocally point out that when eating high amounts of it, fructose is turned into fat by the liver and, as a result, will promote visceral fat storage.

At all, eating less added sugar or fructose would be much useful if you struggle to lose visceral fat. 

You can replace your added sugar intake by only eating more whole and fresh foods, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and fish.