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Why supplements are necessary nowadays

Why people need dietary supplements nowadays

In many ways, supplements are for humans what the fertilizer is to plants. Supply a plant with sufficient amounts of sunlight and water, and it will live.

Add a nutrient-rich fertilizer – of course, organic – and the plant will flourish.

The same principle is valid for us as human beings

Why Supplements are necessary nowadays

A healthy, well-balanced diet provides your body with sufficient nutrients giving you the ENERGY to perform your daily routine assignments.

Mother Nature is always ready to help us...

Specific SUPERFOODS and SUPPLEMENTS such as vitamins, essential fatty acids, minerals, as well as herbs, extracts, phytochemicals, enrich much more your body’s internal environment to FORTIFY cellular health and functionality, and support all-body renewal processes.

Your cellular performance is the key for you to be achieved a thriving energy

When your cells THRIVE, your body THRIVES too – the combination of a nutrient-dense diet and supplements creates an environment promoting a PEAK of your cellular performance.

What factors define the nutritional lack and necessity of supplements nowadays

Factor #1 A decrease in nutrient amount and quality in today's' food

What are the reasons for nutrients deficiency and bioactive substances in today’s food that typically was brought excellent health and the inner power to our ancestors’ for millennials?

  Soil Depletion

Soil depletion decreases the nutrient content of crops.

—   Hybrid Crops

Nowadays, hybrid crops provide lower amounts of nutrients.

  Modern Fertilisers

Modern fertilizers don’t supply sufficient trace elements and many other nutrients naturally contained in manure.

  Pesticides and Herbicides

Pesticides and herbicides pollute and harm soil microorganisms and reduce the nutrition of the crops.

—   Food Processing

Food processing drastically lessens nutrient content, making food more toxic and harmful.

  Artificial Additives

Food additives as artificial flavors, colors, stabilizers, and preservatives further deplete nutrients in our food.

#2. Filling The Nutritional Gap

Supplementation is intended to bridge the nutritional lack because nowadays, most people fail to meet the dietary needs of the body - 90% of people fail to obtain the recommended amount of essential nutrients from food alone.

#3. Nutrient Absorption Declines With Age

As you get older, the production of digestive enzymes that breaks down the nutrients from your food naturally starts to decrease. Food absorption becomes more difficult because your body doesn’t have the same ability to break down and absorb nutrients as it used to.

#4. Stress

Among other diseases, stress reduces digestive strength, which in turn, reduces nutrient absorption and utilization and further depletes many vital nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, etc.

#5. Unhealthy Lifestyle Habits

If you are drinking alcohol, smoke heavily, taking pharmaceutical drugs, or live in a polluted city, your nutritional needs would increase significantly. For example, drinking alcohol or smoking both depletes the quantity of vitamin C in the body.

#6. Poor Eating Habits

Erratic eating habits, often overeating, eating processed junk food, contribute to poor digestion, making it tough for our bodies to obtain all essential nutrients it needs from food. While supplementation cannot substitute a poor diet, it will help prevent the damage that poor eating habits are causing.

#7. Easy Prevention of Expensive Health Issues

Healthcare providers are propagating people to strive for disease prevention instead of disease treatment. Getting daily supplements, along with regular exercise, proper diet, and a healthy lifestyle is necessary for preventing health diseases from arising in the future.

#8. Weak Digestion

Today weakened digestion, poor gut health, and poor eating habits impair the absorption of nutrients.​ Taking certain natural active substances would enhance the quality of your digestion and food absorption, and with that, your overall health and energy would increase.

#9. Deal With High Toxicity

Chemicals, pesticides, and herbicides applied to farm our food, found in our water supply, plus external environmental issues (like the pollution) increase our need for extra vitamins and minerals drastically. These are factories creating lots of free radicals in our bodies that attack our digestive and immune systems. Supplements will help you to get deal with those free radicals.